
Thursday, September 30, 2010

QUESTION 351 : Sound, OK, Horn!

Right ho!
End of our first theme week!
Back to regular questions till Monday! :)
Btw, You can still go for the theme ( questions 350 a to f)

This one deals with a slightly different issue!

We see in this picture, a chappy who has a lot to do with a mango! :D (X)
When X came to India, he exchanged gifts with an Indian king. The gift he received from India was an animal.
He sent the animal back to Portugal to King Manuel I. Manuel sent it to the Pope. Sadly, it perished in a shipwreck off the coast of Italy.

Somebody described this never-seen-before animal to a certain German artist (Y). (Y) used the description given to him and produced one of his most famous works (Z, no picture here :P ) without even having seen the animal!



Id X, Y and Z

The thme....

All questions have been posted from our first set of theme based questions. If you are going for the overall theme now, you get a +10. All the answers are before you now. Go for it!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Question 350 f: Abbey Road

(the person in this pic, famous0

Connect the following

and to the grand theme

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

QUESTION 350 e : Order, Order!!

American. Politician. Under Lincoln. Free Soil Party. Enough said.
Identify the man.

Going for the theme.....?

Monday, September 27, 2010

QUESTION 350 d : Lightning never strikes the same place twice!

Fine, I'm going to post 4 pictures here.
I have, quite intentionally, decided to skip the pic which would be a giveaway.
But it's quite crackable :/
 Here goes,

Connect to a personality!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Question 350.c: Tribute to Family Guy

X was a prominent person, being only the person to achieve this in US presidential History ( 3 actually)

was known as the Beast of Buffalo

The picture is attributed to him

Just name the person

part points may be given for naming the 3 firsts, and the connection to the picture

Ps: He answered the phone personally as well

Saturday, September 25, 2010

QUESTION 350 b: Should've been tennis!! :)

For those of you slightly confused, refer to the previous post! Cheers!

Yeah. Okay. Back to the point.. X was a prominent personality. A strategist and a leader.
He even received a peace prize for his efforts in the early 20th century. A pic of one of his speeches is visible in (2)
More importantly, a very famous organization was established on X's guidelines! It's logo, visible in (1)

I want you to identify X :)



The THEME SCHEME: How it works (Just in case it isn't clear, yet)

In case you still haven't understood, let me clarify before I get to the actual question.
This is like an actual quiz.
In this theme week, we'll have 6 questions. Each question will give you a basic 5 points. These questions carry no negatives. Don't worry. Attempt them without fear ;)
In addition, we have the THEME SCHEME.
Question 350 has an answer. 351 will, quite obviously, have an answer. After 2 days, we will reveal these two answers.
At this point, you can go for the theme(connect) of the week. You can go for it even now, but it would be risky.
After 2 answers, a correct guess at the theme gives you + 30! But a wrong on gives you a -5! :)
You are free to go for the theme as many times(But only once per question), but keep the negatives in mind.
After questions 3 and 4, a correct guess gives you +20, wrong guess = -5
After 6 questions, +10, -5.
Hope it's clear.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Theme Titans

Starting from today, Nihar and I will be alternating questions which will connect upto a grand theme

Each Theme Question will be labelled with a,b,c etc

There will be 5 questions in all

or it will change, depending on the theme

if you get it in the 1st 2, + 30
3,4 - +20
5,6 - +10

Any wrong attempt at the theme gets a -5

There will be non theme questions as well, for those those who aren't participating

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Not quite monthly, but this is since the last scoreboard :)
Before you check this out,

V Chandrashekhar-12
Sri Krishnan-1

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Question 348: Catch 22 or more

identify what has been blanked out in the formula

and what its associated with

QUESTION 347 : About time I Touched on this topic.

Fairly simple..
Identify this school in England. Enough clues to guess.

Link it to a sport.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Question 346: Quack IIT

Identify what has been blanked out

and the people involved

QUESTION 345 : The Tale of a Hero

Here we go again! :)
There are 4 seemingly unconnected pictures. Okay, let me assure you this : They had nothing to do with each other. They all share a name. That of a legend. That of a hero. Makes his appearance in many a German Play/Opera.
A shows a statue depicting one of his exploits.
D does the same.
B is a picture of a Swedish monk(Saint)
C is a poet.
All share this name.
Which name?

Here are 4 images  

B                                       C


Friday, September 17, 2010

Question 344: City Witty

Identify the banner which has been blocked out

and the site

and what term this picture spawned

if you can get the site, or the term, the banner will be easy
its very workable
and its something we've all seen

Thursday, September 16, 2010

QUESTION 343 : Civil War.

Well, this is a sitter.
Crazy cartoon, yes.

But what is it that I've blanked out there??

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Question 342: Er, what?

identify this substance

is called "hydroxyl acid", the substance is the major component of acid rain.
contributes to the "greenhouse effect".
may cause severe burns.
is fatal if inhaled.
contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Despite the danger, _________ is often used:
as an industrial solvent and coolant.
in nuclear power plants.
in the production of Styrofoam.
as a fire retardant.
in many forms of cruel animal research.
in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

and the phenomenon behind it

use that as a clue

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

QUESTION 341 : Sing and Singularity

I got votes demanding an entertainment question.
Sports was another topic, seemingly lacking on this blog.
So, combining the two fields, here's a question.


Question 340: Dil to chaiye thoda paisa (pardon my hideous Hindi)

whats the connect?

(no need to answer the questions)


Arrange these presidents who succeeded Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed in chronological order.

A) Giani Zail Singh

B) R. Venkataraman

C) N. Sanjeeva Reddy

D) Shankar Dayal Sharma

State-wise: Where is Tirupati?
Q1.Which is the largest key on a computer keyboard?
A) Enter

B) Backspace

C) Number lock

D) Space bar

Q2.If you visit the Tirupati temple, which state would you be in?

A) Karnataka

B) Andhra Pradesh

C) Tamil Nadu

D) Kerala

Q3.Who composed the bhajan ‘Pag Ghungroo Bandh Meera Naachi Re’?

A) Tukaram

B) Surdas

C) Meerabai

D) Chaitanya

Q4.What angle is formed by the hour and minute hands of a clock when it is exactly 3 o’clock?

A) 45 degrees

B) 90 degrees

C) 360 degrees

D) 180 degrees

Q5. What name is given to the sign of the zodiac usually represented by a lion?

A) Cancer

B) Taurus

C) Leo

D) Pisces

Q6. Which Asian Games gold medallist played Bheema in the TV serial ‘Mahabharata’?

A) Bhim Singh

B) Praveen Kumar

C) Dara Singh

D) Pargat Singh

Q7.What was the first name of the wife of the last Viceroy of India?

A) Diana

B) Sara

C) Elizabeth

D) Edwina

Q8. Which of these do not reproduce by laying eggs?

A) Whales

B) Hens

C) Crocodiles

D) Snakes

Q9. The rivers Brahmaputra and Sutlej originate near which source in the upper Himalayas?

A) Gangotri

B) Siachen

C) Mansarovar

D) Yamunotri

Q10. Who is the President of Pakistan?

A) Pervez Musharraf

B) Ghulam Ishaq Khan

C) Rafiq Tarar

D) Farooq Ahmed Leghari

Q11.In one-day cricket, how many fielders can stay outside the 15-yard circle for the first 15 overs?

A) Three

B) Four

C) Five

D) Two

Q12. Who was the world’s first woman prime minister?

A) Indira Gandhi

B) Golda Meir

C) Sirimavo Bandaranaike

D) Margaret Thatcher

Q13. In the Mahabharat, who was Draupadi’s twin brother?

A) Parikshit

B) Drupada

C) Dhristadyumna

D) Ikshvaku

Q14. Which Indian state has the highest percentage of Hindus?

A) Uttar Pradesh

B) Madhya Pradesh

C) Himachal Pradesh

D) Orissa

Q15. Who among these does the Indian Constitution permit to take part in the proceedings of Parliament?

A) Solicitor General

B) Attorney General

C) Cabinet secretary

D) Chief Justice

* in 2000

Question 339: Jack in the box




Connect all the pictures to the creation of something man has never seen before, and wishes he has never seen hence

and as for the proper question:

(C) Ordered (B) to create (X) as punishment for (A)'s benediction to man

(C)'s wife also imbibed (X) with (Z), what ultimately caused misery to all of mankind

identify all

Monday, September 13, 2010

Question 338: The big Picture

Connect all 3 pictures

simple connect

its more moffusil than mysterious

name all of them, and give me the connection as well

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Question 337: The Root Cause

Identify whose family tree and whats been blocked out

QUESTION 336 : Duel and Duality.

Okay, I post one in this flurry of questions.
X came up with a story based largely on business. It is based on this picture you see here. Let's call this story Y.
Dead simple. Id X and Y.

Question 335: The Acid Test




Connect all to a song
note the order

little twisted
but simple

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Question 334: Whatson




Connect all the pictures, the third one is a hint (C)

There is a crucial clue missing

so the answer can be broad spectrum.

Question 333: Hu are You

Connect all the pictures (not an exhaustive list, the clues are in the pictures, and i want the proper term, not any generic one)

avoid using tineye on this one guys
come on