
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Question 391: Why the loud Wallume?

A Sunday Times article about amongst the most well known bands in the world, it goes on to label them for who they were, instead of the error printed before it.

"At the launching of the new magazine IT the other night a pop group called the ___X____ played throbbing music while a series of bizarre coloured shapes flashed on a huge screen behind them. Someone had made a mountain of jelly which people ate at midnight and another person had parked his motorbike in the middle of the room. All apparently very ___Y_____."

1) ID X and Y

QUESTION 390 : The Great Train Fochery

In this flurry of questions, yet another one!

Explain the painting.

Questtion 389: Beet around the Bush

The below excerpt is believed to be the reason, according to a prominent work of fiction, about why X only has 9 major pieces of work, not 10.Question:

1) ID X and Y ( the extra blanks make it far too easy)
2) What is this a part of, ie, the original works?

It is agreed upon this night, March 26, 1827, between the undersigned, that the music of the Tenth Symphony, composed by _____X___, first born son of _________________ shall henceforth be the property of ________Y_________ and first fallen from the grace of _____. It is also understood that it is his intention to remove any signs of this music from the memory of man for all eternity. In exchange for the destruction of the aforementioned music it is also agreed that ____Y______and all his minions will remove themselves from the life of the child presently sleeping in the gutter directly across from the window of this room. This removal of influence is to be commenced immediately upon signing and to be enforced for all eternity.



Question 388:IND-genius

Connect all the pictures, and what caused them all to slowly be replaced by most prominent entities.
The remaining part of this family is still well known, and something we all encounter in our day to day lives.

1) Id the pics or Whats the connection
2) What caused the replacement

Theme Answer

The theme is "Eponymous Places"

ie, places named after people or people named after places

nobody i think got it.

The red herring was Bombast, since he apparently lent his name to a word, not a place. Nor is any place named after him (unless you consider Bombay, (read Bollywood), but not that compatible,lol)