
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

QUestion 436: I'll take you to the candy shop

__X__ got the idea for __Y__ during the 1930's Spanish Civil war, when he noticed Spanish soldiers munching on chocolates enamelled in a tempered chocolate coating for protection from heat.
THe named the product __Y__ after both himself, and his business partner with whom he had a well

Here's a graph of the colour of __Y__ over the decades

Simple enough

1) ID X and Y
2) And the partner he had a parting with

Christ Quiz: How-Way to Hell- Round 2

This was the round from me

same rules apply
+10 per question.

And don't judge me based on my questions

UPDATES: On Score and Facebook status

I haven't updated the scores for the rounds from the CHrist Quiz.
I'll do that shortly.

And tell me if there are any changes in order.


We've decided to make a facebook page about the site itself
But we're still mooting logos and credos/ mottos/catchlines/catchphrases/tag-lines

SO if you guys have any suggestions, please email them to us as soon as you can.

We'll be putting up a poll for the logo as well as the tagline, so that everyone can be a part of the process
That'll be done sometime this week.
