
Monday, December 27, 2010

Question 461: Oh Heavenly Delight

The lady in this picture is the patron saint of all engineers ( lucky B*st*rds), and the reason behind it was that most engineering colleges in England had sprung up during the Industrial Revolution. When it migrated to the US, it remained as the mascot (no surprises) and was passed onto their various drinking songs (again, lucky B*st*rds). Her story was often regaled by rogues in MIT and other engineering colleges, and often enacted over there by females ( lucky guys), and sometimes by  guys (what the deuce?), until strong feminist views stopped these practices  (was it against the girls doing it or the guys?)

Her influence isn't only encompassed by those engineers, as she finds her find figure upon chocolates, a pop music festival, poems (obviously), pictures ( they have more?), and movies (someone send me a link).

As for the question

1) ID the fine piece of art (im not talking about the painting, smirk)
2) Ignore the comments
3) And why is she portrayed as such?
(And why she should be portrayed so again,lol)

Question 460: Its all GEEK to me

During the construction of La Sagrada Familia, which according to Gaudi was supposed to chronicle the lifetime of Christ, he placed a symbol (refer to the picture) near the entrance to remind the visitors of one of the appellations of Christ, of his enduring nature.
To all of those who have suffered through high school/college/workplace?(what sort of life choice is that?lol), will recognize these symbols as totems of our torture as well.

So, simple enough

1) ID the symbol
2) ID where the phrase (or the apellation) was originally found