
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Question 775: Certainly no comedian

The book below contaisn the supposed origins of whom?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Question 774: Dead and Alive

Very simple question,one of the oldest science jokes, but really couldn't resist.
ID the cat

Monday, September 12, 2011

Question 773: Oh Lord Cumbrae Ya

The name Cumbrae may derive from Cymri or Kymry meaning 'fellow countrymen' or from Kil Maura meaning 'cell or church of a female saint'. If the former, Cumbrae (and its Gaelic equivalent Cumaradh), the common element of both Great Cumbrae and Little Cumbrae shares the same root as Cymry ("Britons"). It would be a reference to the old Brythonic inhabitants of Strathclyde.

Little Cumbrae was recorded as Kumbrey circa 1300, Cumbraye circa 1330 and Litill Comeray in 1515.

However, the island was bought over by __X__ who named it __Y__, reminiscent of The Beatles love for all things calm. The individual is now being investigated by the ED of India.

ID X & Y

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Question 772: ........................

1878 plan of a certain something that's extensively in use today.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Question 771: The Kid

Born in Turin, and nicknamed "__", X was a doctor of engineering and nephew of Pinin _____ of the coach building company. He began his motor racing career in hillclimbs, graduating to circuit racing with Maserati. But it was not until he moved to Alfa Romeo, as number two driver to Tazio Nuvolari, that his racing career really blossomed. During the late 1930s he won numerous minor races in the Voiturette class, securing himself the Italian Drivers' Champion three years in a row (1937–1939). He then went on to take his first major race win, at the 1940 Tripoli GP. Sadly for _X_, he was just reaching his peak as a driver at the outbreak of World War II, and it would be another eight years before he would win a major race.
Entering post-war Grands Prix in a privately owned Maserati, __X__ took a win at the 1948 Monaco GP. When the FIA announced the inaugural World Championship for 1950, __X___ secured a drive alongside Juan Fangio and countryman Kuigi Fagioli at the dominant Alfa Romeo team, driving the invincible 158 Alfetta cars. __X____ took 3 wins from the 7 races of the 1950 season, securing himself the first ever World Championship. It was the pinnacle of his career.

Id X :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Question 770: Gun-go Goodies

The name "__X__" is a literary reference to the poem __X__ by Rudyard Kipling. The poem is a rhyming narrative from the point of view of a British soldier, about a native water-bearer (a "bhisti") who saves the soldier's life but dies himself.
This poem is perhaps best known for its often-quoted last stanza:
"Tho' I've belted you and flayed you, By the livin' Gawd that made you, You're a better man than I am, __X__!"
Like several Kipling poems, it celebrates the virtues of a non-European while revealing the racism of a colonial infantryman who views people such as the native water-bearer as being of a "lower order". The poem was published as one of the set of martial poems called the Barrack-Room Ballads.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Question 769: All for one and NO one for anyone

Id the painting, the artist and the location of this beautiful work of art, signifying the change from bad to good(Or good to bad. Depends on how you look at it all, of course).

Friday, September 2, 2011

Question 768: Holy Mother of God

The Common Basilisk can be distinguished from similar species within its range by its large size and the high finlike crests down its back. Males also have high crests on the head and tail. Both sexes are brown to olive, and have a white, cream or yellow stripe on the upper lip and a second stripe along either side of its body; these stripes have higher contrast in juveniles and fade as the lizards age. Hatchlings weigh a mere 2 g and are 37 to 43 mm long. Adults can grow up to two and a half feet long. Females are generally 135 to 194 and weigh half as much as males. The tails of these lizards comprise 70 to 75% of their total length: for example, on an 800 mm (or 31.5 in) long lizard, 600 mm of its length is tail.
The common basilisk has a large mouth with saw-like teeth that are on the inner sides of the jaw. They have been known to run up to 7 mph (11 km/h). While the basilisk is most known for its ability to run on water, they are also excellent climbers and swimmers; the basilisk has been known to stay underwater for up to half an hour. The average lifespan is 7 years in captivity; in the wild it tends to be less because of predators.

Thus it has earned the name __X__

Here comes the hot stepper

Thursday, September 1, 2011