
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Question 471: Gives you a Migraine doesn't it?

Whats being denoted in this picture?
SImple question

Question 470: Tit for Tat

Firstly, we wish all of you a very happy New Year.
All the best for 2011!
Wait, I believe we've already done this, so I'm skipping to the question.

There was an event in Russia in the early 20th century. Let's assume that this event is X.
It changed the functioning of the country completely.
This question happens to be about a particular member of the Royal Family. Let's call this person Y.
Evidence has documented Y's death due to a bullet to the back of the head. But, you know, people love rumours.
And that's just what happened. Down in the country of England, a lady called Larissa turned up, good looking, a tinge of Auburn in the hair, and by comparison of impressions and pictures, this person seemed to bear a remarkable resemblance to Y, and a new theory popped up that Y didn't actually die, but was, in reality, transported to GBR by British Agents.

Id both X and Y.
Mainly Y.
P.S: Whether you get part points for Id-ing just X depends completely on my whim and fancy.
If you give me Y, you get full points anyway.