
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Question 509: Brrrrrr

One of the first to discuss the possibility of an ___________ was __X_____. His 1665New Experiments and Observations_________ articulated the dispute known as the ________. The concept was well known among naturalists of the time. Some contended an___________ occurred within earth (as one of the four so-called 'elements'), others within water, others air, and some more recently within nitre. 

Values of this order for the ____________ were not, however, universally accepted about this period. Laplace and Lavoisier, in their 1780 treatise on heat, arrived at values ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 below the _________, and thought that in any case it must be at least 600 below. Dalton, in his Chemical Philosophy gave ten calculations of this value, and finally adopted a far off, completely wrong value. .



Question 508: PUNishment

Bet a lot of you have been PUNting when im going to put up another pun question

ID the Visual pun (+5 per)

Question 507: What else is the internet for?

In July 2008, Puneet Agarwal, an NRi from London, revealed himself to be the author of a web comic __X__, to challenge a ban on it. According to Alexa, it's currently among the 100 most popular sites in India, and over 80% of the traffic to the site comes from there. The comic is printed in 10 different Indian languages, not counting English., a startup blog from India even did a case study on their growth and strategy.

"Wow, India has now joined the elite club of China, Iran, North Korea and suchlike in the area of Internet censorship."
Graphic novelist Sarnath Banerjee on the ban of __X___.

The official reason given for banning the comic was that it posed a hazard to Indian National Security. Thus for the sake of protection of our country, they banned this comic. Others rumour that it was due to the fact that the comic portrayed an actor __Y__ in an unsavory manner.

__X__ also spawned off a show which nobody watches, called Jay Hind, featuring __X__ and some guy called Jay.

1) ID X & Y
2) Brownie points for giving the unsavory manner in which __Y__ was portrayed, or the connection to the title.

Pic from the show nobody watches