
Monday, February 14, 2011

Question 528: Put one over me

This man is one tough son-offa-gun.

Interviewed by Naomi Campbell, he spent no time hesitating to rip her a new one.
Once made a famous quote attacking President Bush's silly little Scottish Terrier, the infamous Barney; saying that the dogs from his country "mean" business.
His hobbies include white water rafting on his country's notorious rapids, bareback riding, motorbike racing, judo fighting, hiking shirtless in the Cedar forests and swimming the butterfly to escape freezing in cold lakes.
A raving animal conservationist, he is responsible for the very successful national Tiger protection program, and has extended his obvious influences to protect the bears as well; citing them to be examples of how his father fought the wars. He's even taken the head honchos of government on a tiger-spotting trip in the wild.
He spent his spare time spying on visiting heads of state, often blending in with the crowd in now infamously bad disguises.

Give me his name.