
Monday, April 18, 2011

Question 602 f: A Tattle of Wit.

No Xs and Ys.
Just tell me what this little legend's about.
I think we'll be going too far to term this as a controversy, bt anyway, here goes.

The story of the posting on the door has settled as one of the pillars of history, but its foundations in truth are minimal. _____ on doors is unparalleled in history. Even further, ________ is known as strongly law abiding, and to publish his thoughts and direction in such a way would be strongly against his character. The great man has never mentioned anything in this direction in his writings, and the only contemporary account of the publishing is the account of Agricola, written in Latin. In this account, Agricola states that______ presents ‘------- in the year of 1517 according to the customs of University of_________ as part of a scientific discussion. The presentation was done in a modest and respectful way, preventing to mock or insult anybody”. There is no mention of nailing  to a door, nor does any other source report this. In reality, -------- presented a hand-written copy, accompanied with honourable comments to the archbishop Albrecht of Mainz and Magdenburg, responsible for the practice of the ______, and to the bishop of _________, the superior of --==--. It wasn’t until January 1518 that friends of his translated the ---------- from Latin into German, printed, and widely copied, making the controversy one of the first in history to be aided by the printing press. Within two weeks, copies had spread  throughout Europe.  His writings circulated widely, reaching France, England, and Italy as early as 1519.

Question 601.f: Alpha Tango Oscar Zulu

__X___ is a 1995 book by Douglas Hofstadter and other members of the Fluid Analogies Research Group exploring the mechanisms of intelligence through computer modeling. It contends that the notions of analogy and fluidity are fundamental to explain how the human mind solves problems and to create computer programs that show intelligent behavior. It analyses several computer programs that members of the group have created over the years to solve problems that require intelligence.

The book is a collection of revised articles that appeared in precedence, each preceded by an introduction by Hofstadter. They describe the scientific work by him and his collaborators in the 1980s and 1990s. The project started in the late 1970s at Indiana University, where Hofstadter collaborated with Marsha Meredith and Gray Clossman. In 1983 he took a sabbatical year at MIT, working in Marvin Minsky's Artificial Intelligence Lab. There he met and collaborated with Melanie Mitchell, who subsequently did her Ph.D. with him, David Rogers, and Marek Lugowski. Subsequently Hofstadter moved to the University of Michigan, where the FARG (Fluid Analogies Research Group) was founded. Eventually he returned to Indiana University in 1988, continuing the FARG research there. The book was written during a sabbatical year at the Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica in Trento, Italy.

Given that mouthfull, what place does this have on this particular theme?
#brownie points for __X__, if you can remember the whole name.
& the title explanation.

For TLDR Quizzers like me, & Tineyers (No connection)