
Sunday, June 12, 2011


There was an error in Question 660.

It was 2^128 and not 2^28. An editing error. My fault entirely. I apologise.

Give it another shot.


Question 662: Armageddon out of here

The phrase __X__ has been in constant use since the advent of geography. However, the application of this moniker to the Elk RIver in Virginia came about in W.E.R. Byrne's book, "Tales of the Elk":

"The Elk river, seventy miles above its mouth at Charleston, in that wildly picturesque portion of central West Virginia, makes an abrupt bend in its course, where the waters, now with impetuous rush, now in placid pool, are baffled and turned to the right in a graceful semi-circular sweep of almost a mile, by beetling cliffs rising sheer from the river level, to an elevation of several hundred feet. These cliffs and their huge rocks, which, in the ages, have fallen away and found lodgment in and along the side of the stream, to the pioneer raftsman, as his craft swept into the curve from upriver, gave the distinct impression of having reached an insuperable barrier to his further progress - a cul-de-sac, or the jumping-off place; hence from the earliest history of the country, that locality has been called, and still bears the name -____X___".