
Friday, November 5, 2010

Red Herring Prospectus: Points system

We've devised a new points system for the quizzard, and here is the disambiguation

Theme Rounds:

1) Every right answer is worth 10 points
2) Points for cracks are as follows:

+80/-40: 1st try/question
+70/-35: 2nd try/question
+60/-30: 3rd try/question
+50/-25: 4th try/question
+40/-20: 5th try/question
+30/-15: 6th try/question
+20/-10: 7th try/question
+ 10/no neg: Last try/question

3) The last try has no negatives
4) The number of questions will be announced before each theme round
5) The points will be put up after each theme round
6) A wrong answer on the question warrants no negatives
7) Theme guesses should given in under the appropriate question.
8) If you've guessed the theme in the 5th question, but submitted it under the 4th, ( for eg), you will be penalised -10.
9) Theme guesses will be posted at the end of the round
10) Answers to the questions will be posted 2 days after each question.
11) Also, Nihar is scorekeeper. We'll post the scores every week.
12) Identiffying the Red herring wins you +20.
13) There will be atleast 2 theme questions a week, depending on circumstances.
14) These rules are subject to change, according to our whims and fancy (Smirk)
15) If you have any problems/queries/clarifications, i'll give you nihar's number
bug him

For Simultaneous Themes:

1) Simultaneous Themes have the same scoring pattern as regular themes, the only difference is that two theme rounds will be held simultaneously (refer to the question number to find the corresponding theme).
2) Both Themes will be connected by either an answer, the red herring, or the theme itself.
3) A bonus of +20 will be awarded for finding the connection between the themes.

Have fun quizzing.

(C) The Quizzard

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