
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Question 462: Two's Company

This duty done, we refilled our glasses, lit our pipes, and resumed the discussion upon our state of health. What it was that was actually the matter with us, we none of us could be sure of; but the unanimous opinion was that it - whatever it was - had been brought on by overwork.
"What we want is rest," said Harris.
"Rest and a complete change," said George. "The overstrain upon our brains has produced a general depression throughout the system. Change of scene, and absence of the necessity for thought, will restore the mental equilibrium."
Harris said he thought it would be humpy. He said he knew the sort of place I meant; where everybody went to bed at eight o'clock, and you couldn't get a REFEREE for love or money, and had to walk ten miles to get your baccy.
"No," said Harris, "if you want rest and change, you can't beat a sea trip."
I objected to the sea trip strongly. A sea trip does you good when you are going to have a couple of months of it, but, for a week, it is wicked.

Question: If not a sea trip, what?
Excerpts from?


  1. Three Men in a Boat

  2. good one Three Men in a Boat, had this in school english books a couple of times

  3. Three men in a boat..
    by jerome k jerome?

  4. 3 men in a boat

    by Jerome

    And boat trip, incontrovertibly.

  5. Boat trip up the Thames :)
    Three Men in a Boat.

  6. Three men in a boat by Jerome K Jerome.
    It was a boating trip on the Thames.

  7. Three men in a boat by Jerome K.Jerome

  8. A trip down the Thames
    Three Men in a Boat
