
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Question 473.e: Guns and What?

This is a newspaper article commemorating the arrival of a certain article in England.

During Napoleon's Campaign, his soldiers were accompanied by the Commission des Sciences et des Arts, a corps of 167 technical experts (savants). In mid-July 1799, as French soldiers under the command of Colonel d'Hautpoul were strengthening the defences of Fort Julien, a couple of miles north-east of the Egyptian port city of Rashid, Lieutenant Pierre-François Bouchard spotted the article that the soldiers had uncovered. He and d'Hautpoul saw at once that it might be important and informed general Jacques-François Menou, who happened to be at a place __X___.

So ID X, and what has been blanked out in the Article.
Biggest clue to the theme is given here.


  1. Rosetta stone
    it was disvered by accident when they were trying to fortify their fort, fort Julien

    So, discoveries by accident

    plus the discovery label was a giveaway
    Bra is the red herring

  2. Rosetta stone discovered at Rosetta
