
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Question 636: Problem? Solve it.

For TWENTY points.
But the question's big, but so are the points.

So give it a go!

Greek & Latin transliterated(X)

Yeah, nobody can quite understand the above process. Don't bother.
B had A to thank in a BIG way during a crucial time in the 20th century.
If you feel like, mention how A helped B.
And after cracking all of this, try and link the obscure diagram above to the chap A
Both A and B were very, very popular with the masses, for different reasons.



A was an industrialist, and pretty enterprising. He started this major event, and this gave many of his fellow specimens the opportunity to meet up and.. and have fun.
No, don't ID every single personality there.
Just what it is.



For all twenty, id A, B, X, and (C&D)
C&D are not two separate things.


  1. X- Solvay's process
    A- Ernest Solvay
    B- John Paul II, was employed by Solvay.
    C&D - The Solvay Conference... in Che's not actually there...his pic was cut and pasted.

    BTW in the pic A HIS SIGNATURE IS A DEAD GIVEAWAY!! Thought I'd let you know.

  2. C&D: Solvay Conference
    X: Solvay's process for soda ash (na2co3)
    A:Solvay (his signaure is there)
    B: Pope John PAul 2

    JP worked for solvay to avoid being deported during WW2

  3. X: Solvay's process for soda ash
    CD: Solvay COnferences
    A: Ernest Solvay
    B: Pope John Paul 2
    He worked for Solvay to avoid deportation during the Holocaust

  4. A- Solvay
    B- Pope John Paul
    C- Solvay conference

  5. X-Solvay Process; A-Ernest Solvay; B-Pope John Paul II - He actually worked in the Solvay Company for some time during World War II to avoid deportation to Germany; C & D- Solvay Conferences;

  6. A - Ernest Solvay
    B - Pope John Paul II (worked for solvay @ 2nd world war to avoid deportation)
    C & D - Solvay Conferences .
    I cannot ID X coz there is No X in the ques . :P

  7. A - Ernest Solvay
    B- Pope John Paul 2
    C and D - Solvay Conferences
    X - Solvay's process for maufacaturing of sodium carbonate

  8. Sorry For Late answer
    X-This process is called Solvay process
    A-This guy is Ernest Solvay
    B-Pope John Paul II He worked at Solvay chemical factory to avoid going to germany
    C&D are the pics of Solvay Conference started by earnest solvay

    Do visit
