
Friday, February 4, 2011

Question 512 e: The Golden Star!

Right. Try not using tineye for this one.
I mean, you'll resort to it, anyway.

Observe this picture.
Looks old. Centuries. The major clue lies in the picture. Will you please enlighten me as to which structure this.. um.. thing is a part of?

I am a cop and you will respect my Author-rity

At long last, Author-rity, the "about us" page of The Quizzard has been completed.
And also part of it has been rejected by Uncyclopedia, the picture of Nihar being cited as the supposed cause.

Ok, ok! I confess.
I tried to pass my picture off as Nihar's. They rejected it, and had no hesitation in proclaiming the pic of me, SIddarth Pai, a virus!

You can guess who wrote that little bit
Under my name.
As for it,