
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Question 426: Weight a second

THis really needs no explanation, just fill in the blank in the last image. Something we all leartn before we knew what it was. This is aongst the most famous derivations in the world, as is the answer.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Question 424: Goddy's Gift; (HP)

In one of the myths surrounding Alexander the Great, Alexander's army was attacked by ____X_____ as they marched east, with a great number of soldiers killed. Rather than retreating, Alexander, admiring the creatures' strength and nobility, trapped four of them with meat lures fixed to his chariot. The ____X____ took the lures and were caught, then took flight, drawing the chariot high into the air, where Alexander saw the whole of Greece and Europe stretched out beneath him in the sun. Eventually they flew so high that the sun started to burn the ____X______s' wings, and they landed again. Since the establishment of this mythology, _____X_____have often been depicted as chariot- or carriage-pulling beasts for especially noble or powerful individuals.

However, in 1997, this word ( the creature's name) has entered the normal parlance (refer to the name of the post)
1) Id this creature.
2) Explain its connection to the picture

Question 423: Kingstown.

Our first guest question, by SyntaXerror

Fill in the Blanks.

2 - annihilated by bombardments during the second world war
2 - razed down and supplanted by 2 highways.
1 - Rebuilt in the 1930's.
The remaining ones are original, from __X___'s time.

Currently there are 5 in _____Y_____.

Gimme the person X and the place Y.

To contribute, look up the CONTACT page.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Question 422: New age hippie?

THis picture denotes a spoof of a fairly well known painting. This painting has been modified in a style to make it akin to a term popularised in the 1980's, but soon faded away from the lexicon as did its resurgence in the 2000's, and the reason it is fading away remains the same.
The term itself has spawned off several of its own terms, popular in their own rights, and has entered the Oxford English dictionary, as well as the common man's lexicon.
What the term denotes, to quote a famous exponent of it, who's name is associated with a sport that was ironically, most popular in the 1980's, is "all that was vile in the 1980's".

Fairly obscure, but hopefully there are enough clues in the question as well as the picture

Id the term

The term has 6 letters.
The person is Tony Hawk( who made the quote)

Question 421: It Had to be this way.

What does this map depict?
Carlisle and Newcastle shown here.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Question 420: Would Brett have Done That?

Logo has name on it.
Building doesn't.
So, Identify the building, if possible,
But more importantly,

Explain the significance of the building.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Question 419: Pinky and the brain

Connect the following to a single theme

and provide an explanation for each picture.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Question 418; Beating round

This poem, published in richard poor's almanac ( a derivative of Franklin's poor richard's almanac no doubt) is a compendium, a compilation of what one would call comedy. In the past decade, we have heard these phrases individually, but the author took the liberty of compiling them into a poem

1 Id the person in question
2) The name of the poem(same as what has been blanked out)
3) The term it spawned

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Question 417: Up up and away

THis describes the mechanism of what has been deemed as a miracle for mankind.

ID the blank

The mechanism of action of___X___ involves the protection of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) from degradation by cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) in the corpus cavernosum. Nitric oxide (NO) in the corpus cavernosum of the _____ binds to guanylate cyclase receptors, which results in increased levels of cGMP, leading to smooth muscle relaxation (vasodilation) of the intimal cushions of the helicine arteries. This smooth muscle relaxation leads to vasodilation and increased inflow of blood into the spongy tissue, causing ________ . Robert F. Furchgott won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998 for his discovery and analysis of endothelium-derived relaxing factor or "EDRF", later identified with NO itself or a closely-related compound.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Question 416: tRick or treat

THis is from an extremely popular internet meme, im sure each one of us has been (pic2ed) many times.

Just id:
1) Character in pic 1
2) The blank in pic 2

pic 1

pic 2

Question 415: Grin and Beer it

In the beginning of the Obama administration, an incident occurred between a police officer X and a professor Y.
This caused Obama to call them both over for a beer at the white house
This is an XKCD parody of the event.

1) ID X and Y
2) What happened ( god is in the details,lol)

Question 414: At Ur Beck and Call

Yes, this post is most unlike me.
We've had enough of this in school, yeah?

What is this?
The title should give you a clue.

Question 412: Time to nail it

This visual has often been used in Archies comics to denote any action or idea that seems to be quite aberrant to conventions. This phrase has its origins in a type of baseball pitch, wherein the ball acts in a direction opposite to the pitcher, ie, it swings from left to right for a right handed pitcher and so on.

This visual has been used in MAD magazine, Sad Sack, and several comics of the Comedy Genre.

Two word phrase


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Question 411 : The Ball's in The British Court.

Right ho!
I found this piece of verse, accompanying the description of an Anglo French Battle.
Shakespeare's a hint.
You don't need to id the poet(no points for the poet), but do so if you're feeling generous.
'Twas in the year 1415,
That King Henry V and his team,
Crossed the channel and went to France,
To stand firm and defend their stance!
But victory was quite far from their sights,
As they were simply outnumbered by French Knights!

Even the most staunch of believers must think,
That it's time for the British army to sink!
But the Brits did have cause for celebration,
Since the knights were at a greater elevation.

Britain saw discipline as a good omen,
Although just a few hundred Yeomen.
The trumpets sounded,
The battle started!
When the Brits swore by George,
The knights began their charge!

The situation for Henry's men was dire,
With faint hope, the longbowmen fire.
As the French horse received its whip,
Due to wet ground, did it slip!
France, from the jaws of victory, snatched defeat,
Under any circumstances, a remarkable feat.
The Bows observed with glee,
As the remainder of the french army,
Began to flee!

For Britain, a time to revel,
The result, quite a marvel!
With the muddy hill playing spoil sport,
There ended the Battle of ______________

Question 410: Exactly

This is one of the several descriptions for a popular 4 word phrase, which is in widespread use.

This phrase is from the earliest days of newspaper photography where the scene of the crime would be shown with an ____Y___to mark where the deed was done. It goes back even further in romantic accounts of such things as __________. The expression was being used jokingly by the 1920s, and now can be found as a formula phrase.

Id Y (and tell me, well, y i chose well, y,lol)
Fill in the blank if need be

Question 409: The original Timber-lake

This was a quote from a famous band in a time when music was actually music.
I've removed certain key words, so need to fill in the blanks.
Just id the show

"We were ready to rock out and we waited and waited and finally it was our turn... ...there were____________________ These people were_____ . It was sort of like a painting of a Dante scene, just bodies from hell, all intertwined and asleep, covered with mud.
And this is the moment I will never forget as long as I live: a quarter mile away in the darkness, on the other edge of this bowl, there was some guy flicking his Bic, and in the night I hear, 'Don't worry about it John. We're with you.' I played the rest of the show for that guy."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Question 408: Home at last

Just ID. Simple enough.
Ok, to make it more complicated.
ID what, and all the who's associated with this picture (there are 4)

Question 407: A little early for Xmas?

The Queen of England (Queen Victoria), on Reading __X____ by ____Y_____, was so impressed that she asked for an advance copy of the author's new book.
Much to her dismay, instead of a Literary wonder, she received a mathematical monster called "An Elementary Treatise on Determinants, With Their Application to Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraic Equations".

ID X and Y

Friday, November 19, 2010

Question 406: Oh my giddy ____

Just fill in the blank.
And what is it an allusion to
(2nd blank is a clue)

QUESTION 405 : Prench Monument!

Easy, maybe.
But undeniably, a good, and a very workable one!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Question 404: A tribute

Several quotes relating to amongst the most influential people of the 20th century, a personal inspiration for both Nihar and I

Its been taken from wikipedia
BUt guys
just try guessing

Letter by Y

Dear _____:

I will be stopping _____X_____ at the end of the year. This was not a recent or an easy decision, and I leave with some sadness. My interests have shifted, however, and I believe I've done what I can do within the constraints of daily deadlines and small panels. I am eager to work at a more thoughtful pace, with fewer artistic compromises. I have not yet decided on future projects, but my relationship with ___________ will continue.

That so many newspapers would carry _____X______ is an honor I'll long be proud of, and I've greatly appreciated your support and indulgence over the last decade. Drawing this _______ has been a privilege and a pleasure, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity.


and why did we put this up on Novenmber 18th, 2010?

Question 403: Where's Waldo

Identify the main man in the picture ( he has an id me sign above him, that should make it easy)

He founded something in 2005, based on a personal belief that a certain criteria of daily life was far too exorbitantly charged, causing hard working americans severe consternation.
He became a youtube sensation while trying to publicise his endeavours.
Satirists has lampooned what would happen if his wish came true

1) Id the person
2) Id what he founded
3) Id what he found to be too exorbitant

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Question 402: In the brig

Simple enough question

fill in the blank

QUESTION 401 : Fight Fire with Fire.

Critics and fans alike agree that the show X was an animated imitation of  Y. Z admitted that "At that time Y was the most popular show on the air, and for my bill, it was the funniest show on the air. The characters, I thought, were terrific. Now, that influenced greatly what we did with X.... Y was there, and we used that as a kind of basis for the concept."



Sej- 20
Rohan-30 + 10 for theme + 5 for IDing red herring.

Okay, Rohan wins this one! COngrats!!

Next time, please, TRY THE THEME

Good work, fellas.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Question : Don't be harsh

A Harshad number, or Niven number in a given number base, is an integer that is divisible by the sum of its digits when written in that base. Harshad numbers were defined by D. R. Kaprekar, a mathematician from India. The word "Harshad" comes from the Sanskrit hará¹£a, meaning "great joy". The Niven numbers take their name from Ivan M. Niven from a paper delivered at a conference on number theory in 1997. All integers between zero and n are Harshad numbers in base n.

Using this as your baseline, what is significant about this question.

Question 399: Padon me

Using Varun Rajiv's quote, "left is to the right", 1:2 as 3: X

Id X (the pic is the blank that needs to be filled)
and give the connection between !,2 and 3,X.

And id anythign else you believe you should.


This is an example of a question Varun Rajiv gave during Ipso Facto, the question was "left is to the right. Give the commercial application'
My question is simple
Pic 1 is related to pic 2
IN the same fashion, pic 3 is related to X ( the unknown), in the world of technology
And current affairs

Person in 1: blank in 2
Person's legacy in 3: X

Id Each





Monday, November 15, 2010

Question 398: Stalwarts

Id the man in the picture, and the reason why he is being subject to such a feeble fight.
For a bonus, id the attackers or the plce he was 'attacked'

QUESTION 397: Berry Me Alive!

How did this cartoon revolutionize a particular area of business?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Question 396: Adam's adversity

Connect the pictures to a word, or an element.

(whats she holding up)

(His name is a variation of the term)

(needs no explanation)

QUESTION 395: Caught UNaware

Since the late 1950s,[aerospace engineers have used the term ___X____ when referring to unusual or costly materials, or when theoretically considering a material perfect for their needs in all respects, except that it does not exist. The word ___X_____ may well have been coined in the aerospace industry to refer to materials capable of withstanding the extreme temperatures expected in reentry. Aerospace engineers are frequently tempted to design aircraft which require parts with strength or resilience beyond that of currently available materials.

However, as of 2009, due to a major revolution in a certain sphere, the term ____X____ has shed its engineering endearments for a more contemporary one, and ____X_____ has entered the popular lexicon, although it still bears the same meaning.


1) Id X
2) What happened in 2009 to cause this term to come into popular usage.

QUESTION 394 : Bank to the Future!

The man you see here, Edward Bellamy, wrote a book.
This term used today was mentioned for the first time in this piece of fiction. The term was used 11 times.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Question 393: Jim Jam

My apologies for the question previously posted by Nihar, which makes you wonder how we managed to get 35000 hits in a year if we posted stuff like that

This is a simple connect

I've shown 3 pictures, all connected by a person, very intimately.

Name that person, and what each picture denotes, and how it is related:

((What this is))

(The place its located)

(the picture)

QUESTION 392: Fireflies.

What's this supposed to be? :/
I know, sitter.
Not hard at all!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Question 391: Why the loud Wallume?

A Sunday Times article about amongst the most well known bands in the world, it goes on to label them for who they were, instead of the error printed before it.

"At the launching of the new magazine IT the other night a pop group called the ___X____ played throbbing music while a series of bizarre coloured shapes flashed on a huge screen behind them. Someone had made a mountain of jelly which people ate at midnight and another person had parked his motorbike in the middle of the room. All apparently very ___Y_____."

1) ID X and Y

QUESTION 390 : The Great Train Fochery

In this flurry of questions, yet another one!

Explain the painting.

Questtion 389: Beet around the Bush

The below excerpt is believed to be the reason, according to a prominent work of fiction, about why X only has 9 major pieces of work, not 10.Question:

1) ID X and Y ( the extra blanks make it far too easy)
2) What is this a part of, ie, the original works?

It is agreed upon this night, March 26, 1827, between the undersigned, that the music of the Tenth Symphony, composed by _____X___, first born son of _________________ shall henceforth be the property of ________Y_________ and first fallen from the grace of _____. It is also understood that it is his intention to remove any signs of this music from the memory of man for all eternity. In exchange for the destruction of the aforementioned music it is also agreed that ____Y______and all his minions will remove themselves from the life of the child presently sleeping in the gutter directly across from the window of this room. This removal of influence is to be commenced immediately upon signing and to be enforced for all eternity.



Question 388:IND-genius

Connect all the pictures, and what caused them all to slowly be replaced by most prominent entities.
The remaining part of this family is still well known, and something we all encounter in our day to day lives.

1) Id the pics or Whats the connection
2) What caused the replacement

Theme Answer

The theme is "Eponymous Places"

ie, places named after people or people named after places

nobody i think got it.

The red herring was Bombast, since he apparently lent his name to a word, not a place. Nor is any place named after him (unless you consider Bombay, (read Bollywood), but not that compatible,lol)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

QUESTION 387: Go Your Own Way!

There's a controversy on some issue involving X and the man who funded (2) Let's call this patron Y.

Id X, Y and (2).



The men are Amerigo Vespucci(top) and John Cabot.
John Cabot was funded by Richard Ameryk.
The controversy is simple.
Amerigo Vespucci and Richard Ameryk- After whom were the Americas named?

Part points to Sej