
Friday, December 31, 2010

Question 469: Year me out (Dedicated to all those who come to a quiz blog on new year's eve)

To those mentioned in my dedication, to quote Marx
"Nerds of the world unite
You have nothing to lose, coz its already all gone"

A for the question, i'll keep it simple

There have been several odd years in the history of the world, like There was no Full Moon in February for the years 1809, 1847, 1866, 1885, 1915, 1934, 1961, 1999.

There were several discrepancies when the Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian, Ten days were omitted from the calendar to bring the calendar back in line with the solstices, and Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the day following Thursday, October 4, 1582 would be Friday, October 15, 1582 and from then on the reformed Gregorian calendar would be used. 

Name me one year where they had both new year's eve and new year's day fall on the same day.

Happy new decade/year/month/day to all.
Hopefully next year, our lives would've improved such that we aren't on a quiz blog on new years eve.


Question 468: Where is the party? On the island of (Insert answer)?

A sitter of a question, but its new years eve, so if you are on a quiz blog, 
Solidarity Mate.

Now for the question.

Originally names Ikes GIlbert, after the British Captain Thomas Gilbert, the island is now known as __X__. Although in the native Gilbertese tongue the island name is Tungaru, they chose the name __X__, which is the Gilbertese Rendition of Gilbert

A fairly obscure island nation, which has raised its voice in the Cancun and Copenhagen Summits due to the fact that it will sink in the next century at the present rate of deglaciation (not a word i made up, its an actual word).

But Apart from this, this island nation has another claim to fame once every year
ID the nation, and its claim to Fame.

And a Happy New Years to all, but this won't be the last question of the day, month, year or decade.
Stay tuned, or get a social life

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Question 467: Pair-O-These (parodies)

I'll spare you all the long commentary

Just ID the 2 universes in each
(or the 2 main franchises being merged into 1)

1) For pic 1, ID the 2 individuals(wielding the guns no doubt(Fake bonus points for IDying their franchise)), and which franchise's poster they are parodying.

2) For pic 2, ID the 2 Individuals merged into one (look closely, their similarities extend past their name)

Happy Tineyeing

pic 1

pic 2

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Question 465: Up Up And Away

These are the general side effects of a drug which was originally used to treat hypertension and a symptom related to heart attacks. Its present use mirrors this in some aspects, but what really rises to one's mind when one sees this drug is something more concrete, hard evidence if you could pardon the term.

An Ignobel was awarded for the use of this drug in the treatment of Jetlag as well, as it benefit for treating altitude sickness and other ailments is well known.

Just ID the drug (this picture should serve as a clue in 2 other ways, other than what has been blanked out)
Pseudo bonus points for anyone who can id the ways as well

Question 464: Wingardium

What is this?
If you don't know, look at the question title.
Something'll pop up to your mind.
If you've heard of it, you'll get it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Question 463: BLEW me away

This picture actually did blow me away, and well, coloured me ___ because its amongst the only pictures i've seen of these guys looking as so. I've gone ahead and made this picture un-tineye-able. But these guys- Phil, Chris and Matt are people we have all seen in The Simpsons, Scrubs, The Tonight Show, Superbowl, TV, Movies, even a comic or two has them. The ultimate punchline in a plethora of jokes, they are part of a creative organization which deals in music, theatre, multimedia and the whole lot. Another less famous band derived their name from this organization.

Just ID how do we better know these guys
The less famous band which derived its name
(both have the same answer, like most other questions)
(Wonder where critic is now?Smirk)

Move up the Scoreboard

Questions from 452 will be open to answer, till 3rd Jan.
Answer 451 if you feel like. I released the comments inadvertently.


To contribute Guest Questions, look up the CONTACT US page.

Question 462: Two's Company

This duty done, we refilled our glasses, lit our pipes, and resumed the discussion upon our state of health. What it was that was actually the matter with us, we none of us could be sure of; but the unanimous opinion was that it - whatever it was - had been brought on by overwork.
"What we want is rest," said Harris.
"Rest and a complete change," said George. "The overstrain upon our brains has produced a general depression throughout the system. Change of scene, and absence of the necessity for thought, will restore the mental equilibrium."
Harris said he thought it would be humpy. He said he knew the sort of place I meant; where everybody went to bed at eight o'clock, and you couldn't get a REFEREE for love or money, and had to walk ten miles to get your baccy.
"No," said Harris, "if you want rest and change, you can't beat a sea trip."
I objected to the sea trip strongly. A sea trip does you good when you are going to have a couple of months of it, but, for a week, it is wicked.

Question: If not a sea trip, what?
Excerpts from?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Question 461: Oh Heavenly Delight

The lady in this picture is the patron saint of all engineers ( lucky B*st*rds), and the reason behind it was that most engineering colleges in England had sprung up during the Industrial Revolution. When it migrated to the US, it remained as the mascot (no surprises) and was passed onto their various drinking songs (again, lucky B*st*rds). Her story was often regaled by rogues in MIT and other engineering colleges, and often enacted over there by females ( lucky guys), and sometimes by  guys (what the deuce?), until strong feminist views stopped these practices  (was it against the girls doing it or the guys?)

Her influence isn't only encompassed by those engineers, as she finds her find figure upon chocolates, a pop music festival, poems (obviously), pictures ( they have more?), and movies (someone send me a link).

As for the question

1) ID the fine piece of art (im not talking about the painting, smirk)
2) Ignore the comments
3) And why is she portrayed as such?
(And why she should be portrayed so again,lol)

Question 460: Its all GEEK to me

During the construction of La Sagrada Familia, which according to Gaudi was supposed to chronicle the lifetime of Christ, he placed a symbol (refer to the picture) near the entrance to remind the visitors of one of the appellations of Christ, of his enduring nature.
To all of those who have suffered through high school/college/workplace?(what sort of life choice is that?lol), will recognize these symbols as totems of our torture as well.

So, simple enough

1) ID the symbol
2) ID where the phrase (or the apellation) was originally found

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Question 459: In the good ol' days

Google doodle parodying what?
Also, id what has been blanked out?
In either blank.

Question 458: Pound Wise, Penny Foolish.

There was this British caricaturist called John Leech.
A particular sketch of his, ___X___, was commissioned by a famous author, __Y__, in order to write his novel, __Z__, based on this sketch(__X__).
A new word was inducted into the English language, __W__, named after the protagonist in the novel __Z__.
This word is typically a used to describe someone who's miserly in his ways.

Id X, Y, Z and W.

Id all, and you get 15 points, a bonus of +5.

A hint, if you need it. All related to the spirit of the times!

Question 457: Thinking into the box

Merry Xmas/Kwanza/Hanukkah to all

A simple sitter, since most will be hosting egg nog hangovers

ID the show this clip was taken from,
(Its a spin off of a more popular show)
and what tradition is being denoted here
(Note: Black on Black violence and Father-Son Violence are not what im looking for, although they are accurate, they are not appropriate. Also, those aren't traditions)

Also, comment on the title

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Question 456: Wal Mart's Mascot?

Id the man in the pic
(either one)

Id why he is so famous
(+5 for each part)

Question 455: Don't get your Nickers in a bunch over this one

An excerpt from a 2004 article, from a supply chain managers' trade magazine, aptly depicts __X(MAS)__:
(Note: Few changes have been made to ensure that this isn't too easy)

"The main distribution center is a sight to behold. At 4,000,000 square feet (370,000 m2), it's one of the world's largest facilities. A real-time warehouse management system is of course required to run such a complex. The facility makes extensive use of task interleaving, literally combining dozens of DC activities (putaway, replenishing, order picking, vehicle loading, cycle counting) in a dynamic queue...the DC workers have been on engineered standards and incentives for three years, leading to a 12% gain in productivity...The WMS and transportation system are fully integrated, allowing (the workers) to make optimal decisions that balance transportation and order picking and other DC costs. Unbeknownst to many, many vehicles and proxies are deployed, and the TMS optimally builds thousands of consolidated sacks that maximize cube utilization and minimize total air miles."

The only job, according to some, which can't be outsourced to Bangalore.

ID the job (or the workers), and __X(MAS)__

(To all pedants out there, ignore the (MAS). Just my way of spreading the joy)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Question 454: Physician Beware

The following is a clip from a famous commercial, giving rise to the new tagline of a company.
( The slew of tech questions is on request of Ameya, who got selected for the chroma challenge)
ID the Company, and the tagline

Question 453: GIving DTDC Competition

Official Statement my microsoft regarding another flop

"At any given time, across any of our business groups, there are new ideas being investigated, tested, and incubated. It's in Microsoft's DNA to continually develop and incubate new technologies to foster productivity and creativity. The "__X__ project is an example of this type of effort and its technologies will be evaluated for use in future Microsoft offerings, but we have no plans to build such a device at this time."

Michael Arrington Of TechCrunch wrote:

"So let’s design it, build a few and then open source the specs so anyone can create them."
"If everything works well, we’d then open source the design and software and let anyone build one that wants to."

Both were trying to design somethign to bring down __Y__


1) ID X (microsoft's Project)
2) ID what Michael Arlington wanted to develop
3) ID the company they wanted to take down

(5 points for 2 right answers, 10 for all 3)

Question 452: Nicked it!

Connect the two images.
SImple as you have it!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Question 451: Why the ?!

The origin of the term ___X___ : During the canonization process of the Catholic Church, The __X__ was a canon lawyer appointed by Church authorities to argue against the canonization of the candidate. It was their job to take a skeptical  view of the candidate's character, to look for holes in the evidence, to argue that any miracles attributed to the candidate were fraudulent, etc. The ___X____ opposed the ___Y___, who spoke in favour of the candidate. This task is now performed by the Promoter of Justice(promotor iustitiae), who is in charge of examining how accurate is the inquiry on the saintliness of the candidate.

In common practice, a ___X_____ is someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with, just for the sake of argument. In taking such position, the individual taking on the ___X____ role seeks to engage others in an argumentative discussion process. The purpose of such process is typically to test the quality of the original argument and identify weaknesses in its structure, and to use such information to either improve or abandon the original, opposing position.

Id X and Y.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why does the Education System need a massive change?

Firstly, I'm generalizing here. What I'm referring to doesn't constitute the entirety of the Institutions.
I haven't gone on to research into most of the developed countries, but of the goings on here, I happen to know a little bit.

  • Problem -1 
The emphasis is primarily on strictly school/college oriented academics. For eg, a kid is considered smart only if he gets 90% in Math, Science, or whatever. This may be true. Yes, he is intelligent. But is this enough?
This narrow-minded school of thought not only brings about a false sense of accomplishment in the children, but also destroys the confidence of those who are smart and capable, without necessarily being inclined to the subject matter.
School is supposed to prepare us for the future, and the many challenges presented to us by this big bad world.

  • Problem -2
HOW IS BEING *JUST NERDY* going to help you in any way? To succeed, your EQ ought to be rather high(along with your IQ, of course).
The question- How do you develop that parameter?
The answer- Activities.
Things that involve you working with other people- as teams and groups. These kinda things train you to be a leader, being good with your colleagues and peers.

Trust me, all of us have these abilities(latent) in us. They just need to be honed. And this won't happen by hiding in the book-shell.
Extra Cirriculars are an absolute necessity. Be it anything. Debating, Quizzing, etc. It could be a sport of your choice, too.
They are not only fun, but they bring in us that competitive spirit, which is a must in our everyday life- that mentality.
And in our formative years, Extra Cirricular Activities help us explore ourselves, and what we can be good at, maybe even at a professional level.
For example, you take part in a debate for the first time. And strangely, you happen to be good at it.
Then the possibility of pursuing law later on crosses your mind.
So this is how you broaden your avenues.

In a professional atmosphere, it's efficiency, coupled with creativity, that drives you to success. So again, doing something that requires thinking laterally becomes important.

  • Problem-3
In a country like India, a prominent factor contributing to the one-dimensional development of the mind of the average child is the system itself.
There's a stark contrast between the system in the West, and here.
A lot of importance is attached to the creative aspect out there. Creativity, and a problem solving approach, which you tend to use later on. It's more practical, basically.
Most universities consider your achievements in competitions, the out of the box things you've done, and maybe things like Social Work, as a criterion for application. This almost compels people to be good at something. Your CV looks impressive when it contains a few of the things mentioned above.

Consider the situation here. It's just plain academics!
Does a kid want to do anything else, if given the choice?
He'd be better served reproducing his text book in a word to word fashion.
Why, you ask? Because that's the best way to succeed, or what their interpretation of succeed is.
So you'll have just a mere 5% developing their all round personality.

A lot of it is modeled on the British style of education, unsurprisingly, maybe a hundred years ago.
But when they've managed to change things, why haven't we?

For us to do well later on, we have to develop those skills now. I say "Develop", because we're not born complete.

"Don't let your schooling get in the way of your education."

The above statement by Mark Twain is perhaps the one line conveying the essence of what I intended to say.

And, Keep visiting.

Please express your views, we're open for debate here! :)

Question 450: Fairly Odd Question

This clip is from a popular movie __X__. It denotes a scene when the hero’s wife and friends launch an attack to take back their kingdom, and free the hero.

ID X, and the song being played.
(Towards the end, even i have no idea what the beginning song is
Ok i do, but its obscure)

Question 449: Faust's legacy?

As a word, it has the following meanings
1) to promote the growth or development of; further; encourage: to _X_ new ideas. bring up, raise, or rear, as in the case of a child. care for or cherish.
4.Obsolete . to feed or nourish.

But in Australian, it has another meaning:
Id the word,
and its meaning

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Question 448: Foolow me down

This one's a PJ.
Anyway, I want you to identify what I've blanked out.

Just read the cartoon. Many hints.

Question 447: iPhony

Report from the Onion on the newest Iphone released:

“In a move expected to revolutionize the mobile device industry, Apple launched its fastest and most powerful iPhone to date Tuesday, an innovative new model for the company’s hippest and most dedicated customers …

… According to Apple, the new iPhone __X__ boasts superior processing speeds, and a multi-touch interface that provides those who are “cool enough” with a rich user experience. The wide-screen display reportedly also features the most brilliant colors and finest resolution ever imagined …

… Retailing for $599, the iPhone __X__ offers only the most special Apple consumers—the ones who believe in the company more than anything else in the world, and who would never, ever dream of questioning it—the ability to open dozens of powerful applications at once."
During his Stevenote Address, Jobs said

"I am proud today to introduce to those who really, truly deserve it, our most incredible iPhone yet," announced Apple CEO Steve Jobs, "Not only is this our lightest and slimmest model ever, but as any truly savvy Apple customer can clearly see, it's also the most handsome product we've ever designed."

The packed auditorium, which had been listening to Jobs in hushed reverence for several minutes, then erupted into applause, with hundreds of men and women suddenly jumping to their feet and shouting, "I can see it!" "Look, there it is!" and "God, it's so beautiful!"

Steve Jobs unveils the updated iPhone exclusively to those who really, really want to see it.
Screams of "Of course, yes, I too can see the phone," were also heard at this time.

(Thanks to some clever editing on my part, (hold your applause), i managed to remove the Iphone from all the pictures without imposing upon the integrity of the photo. So its the photo sans only the iphone, no sore lines of white or black to be seen.)

1) Id the Iphone (full expansion)
2) ID what makes it so special/what is it

Question 446: That's the Spirit!

___X____  is an attempt to communicate with __________. The word  comes from the French word for "seat," "session" or "sitting," from the Old French "seoir," "to sit." In French, the word's meaning is quite general. In English, however, the word came to be used specifically for a meeting of people who are gathered to receive messages from ______ or to listen to a__________ medium discourse with or relay messages from _____; many people, including skeptics and non-believers, treat it as a form of entertainment. In modern English usage, participants need not be seated while engaged in a ___X___

Monday, December 20, 2010

Question 445: "SUCH is his spirit,for of TEN, he is the one"

ID what the map shows. What connects the list of locations and the person it can be attributed to
LEt the Labels lead you on.

Question 444: When we last saw nelly on the telly (WENT UNCRACKED) [ MY OWN MOTHER CRACKED THIS ONE, im serious. By just seeing 444 and the crane]

Connect the 2 pictures, along with the question (choose which part), to arrive at 2 answers:

1) What has been blanked out in picture 2?
2) How is all this connected? ( a person name's will suffice)


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Question 443: Catty Cathy

Id the internet meme which inspired this XKCD image
(Specific answer, not an example)

Question 442: Bunny, enjoy maadi (Dedicated to those out our league, and MY ZONE)

The dedication will make sense once you crack the question

onwards ho:

The cottontail rabbits are among the 16 lagomorph species in the genus Sylvilagus, found in the Americas.

In appearance most cottontail rabbits closely resemble the wild European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Most members of the genus have a stub tail with a white underside that shows when they are retreating, giving them their name "cottontails." However, this feature is not present in some cottontails (for example, the underside of the Brush Rabbit's tail is grey), nor is it unique to the genus (for example, the European Rabbit also has a white scut).

The genus is widely distributed across North America, Central America, and northern and central South America, though most species are confined to particular regions.

Why in 1953 did this become popular?
(Exact reason)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Question 441: All Round Personality.

His limits

1. Knowledge of Literature - Nil.
2. "                  "  Philosophy- Nil.
3. "                  "  Astronomy-Nil
4. "                  "  Politics- Feeble
5. "                  "  Botany-Variable
6. "                  "  Geology-Practical, but limited.

7. Knowledge of Chemistry- Profound.
8. "                  " Anatomy- Accurate, but unsystematic.
9. "                  " Sensational Literature- Immense.
10. Plays the violin well.
11. Is an expert singlestick player, boxer and swordsman.
12. Has a good, practical knowledge of the British Law.


TCS Nationals

Congrats to Udbhav & Radhika, who finished 2nd in the TCS nationals!
No, I have no idea who won.
Congrats to them, obviously.

Christ Quiz: How-Way to Hell- Round 5 & 7

Nihar's round
ITs a theme round, so try getting at the theme before the last question
Simple enough theme
it was cracked in 3 questions.

Then a miscellaneous round by him, was based on gambling


I couldn't upload my round as it was too big, i'll do it on a later date.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Question 440: Comfy?

I'm going to be out for a few days, so i doubt i'll be able to post
ive also become co-author of this blog
check out the questions there as well
(present on the blog roll, or check my blogger profile)

Now onwards ho to the question.

This word has its origins in 1700–10; orig. Scots; perh. < Scand; cf. Norw koselig or kose seg, which means to to enjoy oneself.
The word itself is used to describe relationships, settings, and is amongst the most widespread used words in the world.

It rose to prominence however, when a company __X__, whose ad for the word __Y__ is shown, used it to describe the level of comfort it assured.

1) id the company __X__
2) Id the word __Y__

Sorry for the bad resolution on this pic, but it was hard finding the original ad)

Question 439: A little birdie once told me.....

In the Carribean or Africa, extending your palm was used to indicate that you were a product of polyandry, or in simpler, what you would like to call me after reading this question
Known as the digitus impedus or digitus imfamous in the greco roman era, used to denote contempt at authority during comedy plays, it was also used as a means to deflect the eveil eye in the Mediterranean region.
Another origin is that captured English Longbows had this cut off, to render them incapable of firing arrows. Hence it was used as a victory symbol after the 100 year war.
SOme Freudians believe that it is an extension of the phallus, but that can be said about anything erect (Freud liked his flag at full mast,lol)

1) ID what is being descibed
2) Conenct it to the question name

+5 per right answer

Christ Quiz: How-Way to Hell- Round 3 & 4

Round 3 by me

Its a theme round where every question has elements connected by a common theme
No need to id the elements,
just give me the theme and how its connects.

Round 4 is by Nihar, who believes revenge is a dish best served by another


Question 438: Copy Luwak

Right, since our little copyright section garnered so much interest and invectives, its inspired me to this next questions.

Jim Warren, editor of the magazine which wrote (pic 1) as a joke, started with this: "There is a viable alternative to the problems raised by Bill Gates in his irate letter to computer hobbyists concerning 'ripping off' software. When software is free, or so inexpensive that it's easier to pay for it than to duplicate it, then it won't be 'stolen'." The method was to have an experienced professional do the overall design and then outline an implementation strategy. Knowledgeable amateurs would implement the design for a variety of computer systems. Warren predicted this strategy would be continued and expanded.

(pic 1)

This inspired the name of (pic 2), which is expanded upon below. It also included a phrase __X__, which like (pic 2), is the antithesis of its more affluent annotation. THe phrase __X__ includes part of (pic 2)'s name.

pic 2 is a symbol which has no legal meaning, but it has been used in a variety of spheres, especially computers with regard to programming and software.
ITs unavailable on UNICODE, but its approximated using U+2184 (reverse c)
ITs a play upon its more popular cousin, but is considered to be its reflection In all aspects, meaning included. Some would agree that its the socialist sister or the communist cousin of its more prominent variant.

(pic 2)

That should offer all the clues you need.

1) Id pic 2
2) ID what the phrase __X__ is.

Christ Quiz: How-Way to Hell- Round 1 & 2l Answers

These are the answers to rounds 1 and 2 combined

Round 1

Round 2

Question 437: A Philler.

This logo is Phillip Morris, a cigarette company.
Then there is a pic of Julius Caesar.

Connect the two images and tell me what I've blanked out in the PM logo.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

QUestion 436: I'll take you to the candy shop

__X__ got the idea for __Y__ during the 1930's Spanish Civil war, when he noticed Spanish soldiers munching on chocolates enamelled in a tempered chocolate coating for protection from heat.
THe named the product __Y__ after both himself, and his business partner with whom he had a well

Here's a graph of the colour of __Y__ over the decades

Simple enough

1) ID X and Y
2) And the partner he had a parting with

Christ Quiz: How-Way to Hell- Round 2

This was the round from me

same rules apply
+10 per question.

And don't judge me based on my questions

UPDATES: On Score and Facebook status

I haven't updated the scores for the rounds from the CHrist Quiz.
I'll do that shortly.

And tell me if there are any changes in order.


We've decided to make a facebook page about the site itself
But we're still mooting logos and credos/ mottos/catchlines/catchphrases/tag-lines

SO if you guys have any suggestions, please email them to us as soon as you can.

We'll be putting up a poll for the logo as well as the tagline, so that everyone can be a part of the process
That'll be done sometime this week.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Question 435: All in Wayne

From the realm of current affairs, the joke is no longer the joker's monopoly it seems.

Who does Batman attribute this "irresponsible leak of classified information".

Question 434: Mis Mash

Based on a question i cracked some time back

Id the cartoons being parodied in the pictures, and the universe they have been set in
For eg, if calvin is parodied wearing a superman costume, your answer should be
Calvin and Hobbes
There are 2 parts to each question.

Hence for both, ID all the characters and the cartoon universe they are in



Christ Quiz: How-Way to Hell- Round 1

First Round by Nihar

plus 10 per question

5 for part answer.

I'll be putting up the answers in 2 days.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Answers to Theme Round : We don't play by the rules

The connect to all is "Men who have appeared on the cover of Playboy"

The Red Herring is Jay Leno, who appeared on Rolling Stones

Answer 1:

Peter Sellers

Answer 2:

Donald Trump

Answer 3:

Steve Martin

Answer 4:

Jay Leno, the red Herring.
(No-one cares about Conan O'Brien,lol)

Answer 5:

Jerry Seinfeld

Answer 6:

Seth Rogen

Answer 7:

Burt Reynolds ( The 2nd man to appear on the playboy cover)

Note: The Scores for the entire theme round will be editted by Nihar in a couple of days

Question 433.g: Scarborough Fair ( last question)

Note: This will be the last question of the theme. The answers will be posted on Monday evening, and the scores updated thereafter

The movie _X_, released in 2005, is a remake of a 1974 movie of the same name. The movie features the prominent line, spoken to the protagonist, "Most of these boys have nothin', never had anything to start with. But you, you had it all. You could have robbed banks, sold dope or stole your grandma's pension checks and none of us would have minded. But _____________, man, that's un-American!"

After gauging the state of the prisoners, the protagonist agrees to the warden's request to form a football team of prisoners against the guards, as a warm up game for the guards.

The underdogs, as in every good Hollywood or Bollywood movie, wins ( no surprises there).

But in the remake, the protagionist __Y__ becomes the coach of the team.


1) Id X and Y

And for all you tin-eyers out there, enjoy the pic

Question 433.f: Ready Set Go

Id the person who makes a guest appearance in this song.

Question 433 e: River in France

________ gets dumped:
  • Because he admitted to changing the size 32 to size 31 of all his jeans because he "doesn't want to be a 32." 
  • For snooping around her closet having become suspicious of her wearing the same dress on every date . 
  • Because she had "man hands", which he comes to terms with, but is then caught riffling through her purse looking for a photo of a supermodel George needed 
  • Because he, having secretly become a vegetarian, kept spitting out the mutton she cooked for him and hiding it in her napkins. 
  • Because she discovered he'd been getting her drunk so he and his friends could play with her collection of antique toys 
  • Because he cheats on his "wife" to give another woman his family dry-cleaning discount. 
  • Because she thinks she saw him scratch his nose from the side, making it look like he picked it. 
________ dumps them:
  • For eating her peas one at a time 
  • For refusing to taste his pie at the coffee shop and later getting her father's restaurant shut down by the health board
  • Because she had once dated Newman, who had ended the relationship 
  • Because she wouldn't give him a massage 
  • Because she liked a commercial that he hated 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Question 433.d: Taking it on the chin

These were the hosts of an NBC show, which is the longest currently running regularly scheduled entertainment program in the United States.
Following the 3rd pic was a person X, who some say catapulted it into fame, beating several other shows such as the Letterman show etc in its heyday.
X was replaced by Y

1) Id X and Y
2) Something happened after the replacement, what was it



Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christ Quiz: Prelims

Nihar and I just finished conducting a quiz at Christ, and we'll be posting up the questions and answers soon.

Attempt the prelims
Its +5 per question ok?

have fun

we'll add the points to the main scoreboard soon.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Question 433.b: Blowing your own trumpet

These pictures are from the unlicensed biography of a certain firey individual.
Id him.