Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Question 361: Put your arms in the air

connect all three


churott said...

the connect is winchester.

martin said...

pic2: winchester bottle
the colt is portrayed on the winchester rifles logo. thus, the connect is winchester.

Siddarth Pai said...


martin was partly right

the Correct Connect is names of arms/brands manufacturing guns, rifles, etc

(hence put your arms in the air)

pic 1 is an enfield bike, popular the world over, as is the enfield rifles, used against the sepoys in the 1857 mutiny , as well as the 303s used by the Indian police (useful as a blundgeon, not as a blunderbuss,lol)

pic 2 is a winchester bottle, used to store corrosive chemicals, gettings its name from the winchester measure.
The Winshester rifle company is the arms manufacturing company,

pic 3 is a colt
Colt pistols, by Samuel Colt

And its a horse on the winchester logo, not a colt (hard to make out, but cowboys preferred horses over the young colts)

The question names are always a clue