
Monday, January 31, 2011

New theme round: Wonder how the Times will change

We'll be starting a new theme round from February 1st.
It'll be the standard theme round, so refer to the Red Herring Prospectus for any questions regarding the theme.
One standard red herring wil be put up.
Points according to the RHP.
Its an exhaustive list, but thats obvious from the name.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Question 511: A dead Ringer

The following picture is a morphed one, consisting of two personalities originally. It was produced and promulgated on the day of the release of the game Halo 3, morphing the personality __X__, whose head and armaments were used with that of __Y___, whose body was used.
__Y__ can be found at the proverbial bete noire of MIT.
The reason for this atrocious amalgamation given by MIT was that they both share the same name ___Z___.

2) ID what the shared name is between X & Y

Question 510: Ostrich.

Flag of?
Happy tineye-ing! :)

And, why the title for this question??

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Question 509: Brrrrrr

One of the first to discuss the possibility of an ___________ was __X_____. His 1665New Experiments and Observations_________ articulated the dispute known as the ________. The concept was well known among naturalists of the time. Some contended an___________ occurred within earth (as one of the four so-called 'elements'), others within water, others air, and some more recently within nitre. 

Values of this order for the ____________ were not, however, universally accepted about this period. Laplace and Lavoisier, in their 1780 treatise on heat, arrived at values ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 below the _________, and thought that in any case it must be at least 600 below. Dalton, in his Chemical Philosophy gave ten calculations of this value, and finally adopted a far off, completely wrong value. .



Question 508: PUNishment

Bet a lot of you have been PUNting when im going to put up another pun question

ID the Visual pun (+5 per)

Question 507: What else is the internet for?

In July 2008, Puneet Agarwal, an NRi from London, revealed himself to be the author of a web comic __X__, to challenge a ban on it. According to Alexa, it's currently among the 100 most popular sites in India, and over 80% of the traffic to the site comes from there. The comic is printed in 10 different Indian languages, not counting English., a startup blog from India even did a case study on their growth and strategy.

"Wow, India has now joined the elite club of China, Iran, North Korea and suchlike in the area of Internet censorship."
Graphic novelist Sarnath Banerjee on the ban of __X___.

The official reason given for banning the comic was that it posed a hazard to Indian National Security. Thus for the sake of protection of our country, they banned this comic. Others rumour that it was due to the fact that the comic portrayed an actor __Y__ in an unsavory manner.

__X__ also spawned off a show which nobody watches, called Jay Hind, featuring __X__ and some guy called Jay.

1) ID X & Y
2) Brownie points for giving the unsavory manner in which __Y__ was portrayed, or the connection to the title.

Pic from the show nobody watches

Friday, January 28, 2011

Question 506: One's company, Eleven's a crowd.

What's blanked out?

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart


Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Question DIV: Find me If you Can

"Many people have asked about the meaning of our name. '__X__' was inspired by a poem written more than 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. The poem compares the search for a retreating beauty amid chaotic glamour with the search for one's dream while confronted by life's many obstacles. '...hundreds and thousands of times, for her I searched in chaos, suddenly, I turned by chance, to where the lights were waning, and there she stood.' __X__, whose literal meaning is hundreds of times, represents persistent search for the ideal."

This site, overtook another famous site __Y__ in China, since it complied with all Chinese Government Directives. This lead to a famous Line "__Y__, __Z__", of which __Z__ was part of __X__'s name, when __Y__ decided to leave China based on those rules.

1) ID X,Y and Z
2) ID the phrase

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Question 503 : The Quizzard( Yes, I know, weird Title)

Origin of?

The earliest printed reference to the origin of this proverb is attributed to the Ben Johnson in his 1598 play, Every Man in his Humour, which was performed first by Shakespeare.

'Helter skelter, hang sorrow, care will _______, up-tails all, and a pox on the hangman.'

Shakespeare used in Much Ado About Nothing.

'What, courage man! what though care _______, thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care'

The Washington Post, 1916.

'On Wednesday the _____, __________ unsatisfied, tried to climb higher—and fell to the first floor. His cries could still be heard by Miss Godfrey; who, to effect Blackie's rescue, communicated with the following departments:
1. Police department.
2. Fire department.
3. Health department.
4. Building department.
5. Washington Heights court.

Question DII: Can't dance your way around this

A happy Republic Day to all.
Edward Abbey

Now on to the question

The picture below shows the extent of the kingdom of __X__, who is said to have unified the subcontinent under one kingdom.

In the Vedas, __X__ is described as follows

abhūtir eṣā kas tyajyāj jīvañ jīvantam ātmajam
śākuntalaṃ mahātmānaṃ dauḥṣantiṃ bhara paurava
bhartavyo 'yaṃ tvayā yasmād asmākaṃ vacanād api
tasmād bhavatv ayaṃ nāmnā bharato nāma te sutaḥ
Therefore, O thou of Puru's race, cherish thy high-souled son born of __Y__
and because this child is to be cherished by thee even at our word,
therefore shall this thy son be known by the name of ___X___.

 But others argue that the __X__ race, an Ayan tribe mentioned in the Rigveda were successful against other Aryan and Non-Aryan tribes. Thus in the post Vedic tradition, they were deemed as conquerors of all, and hence all was known as __X__.

1) ID X
2) ID its contribution to the world today (exact answer required).
3) Brownie points for explaining the connection to the title

A picture says a 1000 words, and takes a 1000 tries to get right


Thanks to help of a Graphic Designer, Anjana (who can be contacted via the quizzard email id, for any matters), we finally hit upon the right logo for the blog.

Took 2 hours just to get the dimensions right
So a huge thank you to Anjana for her gracious help.

Thats the reason the blog seemed to be in a state fo quiescence, and the logo kept changing.
But the scoreboard never did
(Thats coz i was busy, and Nihar, as usual, lazy


The Evolution of the logo was as such:

Please leave your comments on the logo under this post

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Question DI: Play it again

____X___ is a 1942 Hollywood film, touted as amongst the most famous films that defined an entire generation and whose lines have become stuff of legend.
It follows the story of a person who has choose between love for a woman and helping her husband escape a place (blotted out on the map), in order to continue his crusade against the Nazis.
The movie barb wire, is a spoof of __X__ (it can't be considered anything but)

However, on the map, there are 2 locations blanked out
1) ID Both locations blanked out
2) ID the connection with X

The map

FOr the hell of it, to distract everyone BACK TO THE QUESTION

Old Wine in a new bottle

We're still mooting a logo, or rather the proper dimensions for it
etc etc
So we haven't been able to post any questions today.
Tomorrow, on republic day, we'll be starting a new theme round.
Watch this space for more news.

Check out the unanswered questions in the mean time

Monday, January 24, 2011

Question 500: Start of a new era

Although the ____________ are now written with letters of the ____________, they were originally independent symbols. The Etruscans, for example, used I, Λ, X, ⋔, 8, ⊕, for I, V, X, L, C, and M, of which only I and X happened to be letters in their alphabet. One folk etymology has it that the V represented a hand, and that the X was made by placing two Vs on top of each other, one inverted. However, the _______ actually appear to derive from notches on tally sticks, which continued to be used by Italian and Dalmatian shepherds into the 19th century.
Thus, 'I' descends not from the letter 'I' but from a notch scored across the stick. Every fifth notch was double cut (i.e. etc.), and every tenth was cross cut (X), IIIIΛIIIIXIIIIΛIIIIXII..., much like European tally marks today. This produced a positional system: Eight on a counting stick was eight tallies, IIIIΛIII, or the eighth of a longer series of tallies; either way, it could be abbreviated ΛIII (or VIII), as the existence of a Λ implies four prior notches. By extension, eighteen was the eighth tally after the first ten, which could be abbreviated X, and so was XΛIII. Likewise, number fouron the stick was the I-notch that could be felt just before the cut of the Λ (V), so it could be written as either IIII or IΛ (IV). Thus the system was neither additive nor subtractive in its conception, but ordinal. When the tallies were transferred to writing, the marks were easily identified with the existing ______


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Question 499: Justice is Justice, and

Rouget de Lisle was born in Montaigu. He entered the army as an engineerand attained the rank of captain. The song that has immortalised him, ___X___ (based on Piano COncerto no. 25), was composed at Strasbourg, where Rouget de Lisle was quartered in April 1792. He wrote the words in a fit of patriotic excitement after a public dinner. The piece was at first called Chant de guerre pour l'armée du Rhin ("War Song for the Army o the Rhine") and only received its name of _____ from its adoption by the provencial volunteers whom Barbaroux introduced into Paris and who were prominent in the storming of the Tuileries. Rouget de Lisle was a royalist and was cashiered and thrown into prison in 1793, narrowly escaping the guillotine. He was freed during the Thermidorian Reaction

Question 498: No Calculus for this one

__X__ Chief Scout of the Cockchafers is the first comic strip series written by __Y___ who later wrote ____Z______X___ published it monthly from July 1926 to summer 1929 and tells of a Boy Scout called __X___ on his adventures. The character would play a large part of inspiration for ___Z__, and the idea of a Scout was chosen because, firstly it was for a Scouting magazine, and secondly because ____Y___ had a great love of the movement. The series was drawn with pictures and captions separate, as most comics of that time were.
In 1930 ___Y___allowed a comics artist whose pseudonym was Evany (Eugène van Nijverseel) to write ___X___ on his own, as ___Y___was now very busy with his work on ___Z___ This second life of the series ran from February to July, 1930 and produced a total of five pages.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Question 497: Come on baby light my fire

Visual Connect:

As a pair, in ancient greece it was known as the individuals in this picture

Poached a cracked egg, so the yolk's on you

This is just to inform that i've teamed up with Rohan and helped form a music blog
Another Quiz Blog In the Wall

Check it out when you can
And no, this doesn't mean that i've left The Quizzard
So you can stop rejoicing.
Especially you Nihar.

I'll be posting all my music questions, or most of them on that blog
But that doesn't entail that The Quizzard will be bereft of music, check out Nihar's question for the tune The Quizzard can carry in a barrel

Question 494

Question 496: The Pole Position

Keeping in tradition with the soon to disappear style of questioning which has its advent and staunch advocate in Nihar, even i decided to discombobulate so that none can confabulate

The literal translation of this place __X___ is against the bear, which either refers to its policy against hairy homosexual men or the other kind of bear that everyone seems to have forgotten (not pedobear mind you)
Apocryphally, its said to be the antonym of another place __Y__, hence its name __X__.
I would say polar opposite, if i may be so bold.
But rumour has it that its name is based on the name of __Y__, its relative, hence the name __X__ came about, as it is supposed to be the ____ of __Y___.
__X__, referring to its literal translation (about the bears), is home to certain creatures __Z__, which hold strong views about those pesky bears, hence possibly the name __X__

This is most of the gibberish i could come up with about __X__.

So id X,Y and Z

If you can't and would ike to go back to googleable/tineyeable questions.
Please vote on the pole.


Ive included one clue which would unravel the entire question
Read it a couple of times, you'll find it

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mess-ing with our age: THe SMS Channel

The Quizzard is proud to announce its message channel at
Quizzard Messaging Channel: Sign up for it for updates

So don't forget to sign up for it for regular updates

Just another way for us to invade your lives
Isn't technology grand?


Question 495: MEMEonics

My exams just ended, and in awaiting black monday, i decided to just post a few meme questions.

ID the meme
And hope that i'll be alive to post questions post monday

20 points, 5 per meme.
(Proper names please)

ID whats blanked out

Id whats blanked out

Meme name

Id the personality who became a meme, and brownie points for why

Guest Questions

Anyone who wants to contribute a question, mail it to

->Your name
-> The Question(obviously)
-> The Answer



they'll be up soon!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Question 494: Gene Kelly Would Not have been Proud of this.

The vaguest of reasons.
We can't say for sure why many of us do this.
This is something most of us don't really do at will, when we're in the company of our friends or maybe even at college/work. In other words, we aren't really inclined to doing it in public.
The cause for this habit differs from person to person, depending on his peculiarities, confidence, skill, etc.
When we're far away from the rest of the world in this particular place, mentally, at least, we tend to let our inhibitions go.
The good resonance and acoustics of this small, closed area of space, in which we spend at least 25 minutes of our day, boost our own capabilities. Well, only we think so. Not in reality! The sound of the elixir of life can dilute the extent of how bad we actually are. Hence, the short burst of being highly eloquent. After that little period, BOOM, back to your shell.

Slightly vague.
Lot of clues.
Causes(probable) for what?

Question 493: Another Hole in the Wall

Sorry for not posting, but i busy playing a game on the comp, and time just slipped by.

Anyway, here's a game ive found absolutely infuriating, but somehow fun. Wasn't what i was engrossed in, that is a question for later on in the day

The game consists primarily of a series of puzzles that must be solved by teleporting the player's character and simple objects using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (ASHPD, also dubbed the "___X___"), a unit that can create inter-spatial __X__ between flat planes. The player character, Chell, is challenged by an AI named GLaDOS to complete each puzzle in the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center using the __X___ with the promise of receiving cake when all the puzzles are completed.
(Must have been bloody good cake, but spoiler alert, you can't have your cake and eat it too
 The unusual physics allowed by the __X___ are the emphasis of this game by Valve, and is illustrated in this stupid meme i found online


1) ID the Game X

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Question 491: Gossip Monger

Julio Cesar:  Supermarket
Iker Casillas:  Horrible
Luiz Fabiano:   Supernatural
Buffon:  Shameful
Joe Hart:  Good Fun
David James:  Dreadful
Fabio Capello:  Completely Different
Carlos Queiroz:  We love it.
Messi:  Complicated

Now, what is all this about?

Question 490: "No if, no but, only ____"

The title is from a film (obscure one at that), brownie points for anyone who can give me the title of the film, and an utter loss of respect if you've seen that film
Now onto the question
Ive divided it up into two parts, one with text, and the other, a picture parody (its always a parody).
One for the googlers, and one for the tin-eyers.
Both combined, gives you one for the purist quizzer (a combination of google and tineye)
Both have the same answer.

Textual Question:

Georges Seurat, motivated by study in optical and colour theory, he contrasted miniature dots of colors that, through optical unification, form a single hue in the viewer's eye. For example, he painted many green and red dots in a certain way that when you see the painting, the colour would be seen as the combination of both colours, in this case yellow. He believed that this form of painting, now known as __Y___, would make the colors more brilliant and powerful than standard brush strokes. To make the experience of the painting even more vivid, he surrounded it with a frame of painted dots, which in turn he enclosed with a pure white, wooden frame, which is how the painting is exhibited today at the Art Institute of Chicago.
In creating the picture, Seurat employed the then-new pigment zinc yellow (zinc chromate), most visibly for yellow highlights on the lawn in the painting, but also in mixtures with orange and blue pigments. In the century and more since the painting's completion, the zinc yellow has darkened to brown—a colour degeneration that was already showing in the painting in Seurat's lifetime.
The island of____X__ is in the Seine in Paris between La Defense and the suburb of Neuilly, bisected by the Pont-de-Levallois. Although for many years it was an industrial site, it is today the site of a public garden and a housing development. In 1884, the island was a bucolic retreat far from the urban center.

Pictorial representation:

1) ID X (the picture being described, and the progenitor of the parody)
2) The art form described, and utilized even in the parody (by someone as jobless as me to get all this info, and you for reading it. lol)
3) Brownie points for completing the title of the question

Open Questions (Click on the link)

1) Till 9 pm, IST (so thats about 10 pm Indian time i guess,lol)
2) Questions still open for a couple of more days


Monday, January 17, 2011

Question 489: How Cold Is it?

It is often stated that the phrase originated from the use of a certain metallic tray, called a "____", to hold cannonballs on warships in the 16th to 18th centuries. Supposedly, in very cold temperatures the "___" would contract, causing people to remark, " ___X___"

Later on, a humorist personified this phrase in the form of a patent for the picture below. He says that it works upon the conditions and principles of the phrase __X__, such that when a preset optimum climatic conditions are achieved, it shall cause a noise, emanating from the result of the phrase, as an indication that it is "_____X______"

SO ID X, the phrase in question (or in reply to the question asked)
(Filling in the blank would only give you part of the phrase)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Question 488: Not Very Lucrative, I'm afraid..


'In Tarquin's likeness I did entertain thee:
Hast thou put on his shape to do him shame?
To all the host of heaven I complain me,
Thou wrong'st his honour, wound'st his princely name.
Thou art not what thou seem'st; and if the same,
Thou seem'st not what thou art, a god, a king;
For kings like gods should govern everything.

The Bearded One(B)

Okay. You see a piece of text from an insignificant piece of literature, written by someone really jobless. It might help to know who he is, though, mind you. Call the verse __A__
Then you see a picture. Call him ___B___
If you connect A&B, chances are there that you'll find a particular incident as a the connect.

Call the connect __X___
As a result of __X___ , something quite historic happened. Maybe the first of its kind?
Call this historic event___Y___

Just give me X and Y

Question 487: Swing both ways ( Dedicated to Indy)

The individual in the pictures below is the same, and there are claims that this Serbian-Australian person is going to revolutionize the modeling industry in more ways than one, and break down the barriers that divide the fashion world broadly.

This individual has been chosen for the Marc Jacobs spring ad campaign, alongside Czech supermodel Karolina Kurkova.

1) ID this individual, and what distinguishes this individual from the rest of the peroxide blonde models.
2) ID this individual, and how this person will revolutionize the modeling industry.

(Both are really the same)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Question 486: Starry Eyed Surprise

__X__ is a large constellation located around the celestial equator. Its name is Greek (Ὀφιοῦχος) for 'serpent-bearer', and it is commonly represented as a man grasping the snake that is represented by the constellation Serpens. __X__ was one of the 48 constellations listed by the second-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. It was formerly referred to as Serpentarius, Latin word meaning the same as its current name.

There exist a number of theories as to whom the figure represents.
The most recent interpretation is that the figure represents the healer Asclepius, who learned the secrets of keeping death at bay after observing one serpent bringing another healing herbs. To prevent the entire human race from becoming immortal under Asclepius' care, Zeus killed him with a bolt of lightning, but later placed his image in the heavens to honor his good works. It has also been noted that __X__ is close to that of _____, which has at times been believed to represent Chiron (the mentor of Asclepius and many other Greek demigods), though Chiron was originally associated with the constellation Centaurus.
Twitter users, of late, have been upbeat about this since its inclusion in the Zodiac will cause a change in all star signs, and most wonder if they were reading the wrong horoscope (if you're jobless enough to be on twitter, you're surely not jobless enough to how the stars millions of miles away will dictate whether you choose fudge or a brownie for lunch)
But getting back to the question
Id X

A list of the stars in __X__ is given below  (central editted part of the image)

Viva La Evolucion

Here at The Quizzard, we're constantly making changes and constantly announcing them.'
These are due to the changes being made constantly to the blog itself

From now on
  1. Each question will be open for a period of two days
  2. The answers will be given out, for each question, two days after its been put up. The read more tag under each question will contain the right answer.
  3. The scoreboard will be updated on the day the answer is given out.
  4. Also, links to open questions will be put up with each post, if any further announcements are made.
  5. Please send us your feedback under the feedback post.
  6. Feedback
Open Questions:


Question 485: Danny Boy

What is being talked about?

I was trying to find something I was more comfortable with that had more power to it, so I had to drop the voice down.... People will say to me, "Boy, I'm glad they replaced the guy that was there that first season"
That was me!!

Also, the feedback section is still open

Subscribe to posts

We have now activated the option to subscribe to our posts via mail. See right.
A big thank you to Rohan Danait(THANKS!).

So, yeah.
Enter your email, stay updated.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Question 484: And they were all Yellow

__________ can be lethally poisonous due to its tetrodotoxin, therefore has to be carefully prepared to remove toxic parts and to avoid contaminating the meat.The restaurant preparation of __________is strictly controlled by the law in Japan and several other countries, and only chefs who have qualified through rigorous training are allowed to deal it. However, the domestic preparation occasionally leads to accidental death.  Some consider the liver the tastiest part but it is also the most poisonous, and serving the ___________- liver in restaurants was banned in Japan in 1984. _______ has become one of the most celebrated and notorious dishes in Japanese cuisine.

Fill in the blank.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Question 483: Ini MEME Miny Mo

ID what this MEME says
(And remember, don't cut yourself on Occam's Razor

Clue: Connect the signs to something from your childhood, or when you're bored in school/college/work

Question 482: Lost for Words

Tell me what s/he was talking about, if you feel like it.

X: I was very shocked, you know- this is terrible.

Reporter: What were you doing? 

X: I spent the whole day listening to some material because I didn't feel like sitting at home.

Reporter: When did you hear of it?

X: This morning.

Reporter: Very early?

X: Yeah.
     Drag, isn't it?

X later regretted using the word "drag", after it was published.

Also try

Question 479

Question 480 

They're still open( 477 and 478 are open as well)