Saturday, December 18, 2010

Question 441: All Round Personality.

His limits

1. Knowledge of Literature - Nil.
2. "                  "  Philosophy- Nil.
3. "                  "  Astronomy-Nil
4. "                  "  Politics- Feeble
5. "                  "  Botany-Variable
6. "                  "  Geology-Practical, but limited.

7. Knowledge of Chemistry- Profound.
8. "                  " Anatomy- Accurate, but unsystematic.
9. "                  " Sensational Literature- Immense.
10. Plays the violin well.
11. Is an expert singlestick player, boxer and swordsman.
12. Has a good, practical knowledge of the British Law.


TCS Nationals

Congrats to Udbhav & Radhika, who finished 2nd in the TCS nationals!
No, I have no idea who won.
Congrats to them, obviously.

Christ Quiz: How-Way to Hell- Round 5 & 7

Nihar's round
ITs a theme round, so try getting at the theme before the last question
Simple enough theme
it was cracked in 3 questions.

Then a miscellaneous round by him, was based on gambling


I couldn't upload my round as it was too big, i'll do it on a later date.