Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Id both and Connect
What do we credit the people in the first picture with?
(click to expand)

The 2nd pic's a rather big hint...


Athith- The KIA said...

THe People in the pic are The five foreign ministers– Adam Malik of Indonesia, Narciso Ramos of the Philippines, Abdul Razak of Malaysia, S. Rajaratnam of Singapore, and Thanat Khoman of Thailand who are considered as the organisation's Founding Fathers.

Athith- The KIA said...

These People Started ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
The flag is indeed a big hint... it is the ASEAN flag.

Anonymous said...


pranav said...

that flag is of asean(some association of south something)dont know 1st pic.guessing connect asean

Gaurav Radhakrishnan said...

Is this a trick question? It's ASEAN.

Chithananda said...