Sunday, January 30, 2011

Question 510: Ostrich.

Flag of?
Happy tineye-ing! :)

And, why the title for this question??

This is the Austro-Hungarian Flag


Archimonde said...

The old Austro-Hungarian empire.

Does Austria's original name "Osterreich" in German literally mean land of ostriches? o_O

Siddarth Pai said...

Austria Hungary

& i think you're referring to the BlackAdder episode where he thinks that the reason WW1 began was that Archduke Ferdinand shot an ostrich in Hunary (Austrio-Hunhary reference)

Unknown said...

Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

R said...

Ostrich >> Osterreich >> Austria-Hungary. FYI Osterreich means East-empire in German...

appuchin said...

austria hungary

manish hn said...

flag of austria-hungary (pre ww2)

Nagaratna said...

Flag of Austrio-Hungary
from Blackadder?