Sunday, February 13, 2011

Question 525: Kiss and tell?

Donald Bonsack, John Edmonson, Wallace C. Fowler, Clarence "Bud" Harding, Walker Irving, James Kearney, Marvin Kingsburg, Arthur Leask, George Mendonça, Jack Russell,  Bill Swicegood, Carl Muscarello and Glenn McDuffie.

Edith Shain, Greta Friedman and Barbara Sokol.

All these people have something in common with regard to an event that occured in 1945. Over the years they've all made claims about how it was them and have made great efforts to prove it.

What was the event and what did they claim?


Victory Over Japan Day

 Kiss on V-J Day in Times Square

Bonsack to McDuffie claimed to be the sailor in the picture and Shain, Friedman and Sokol claimed to be the nurse.


Siddarth Pai said...

Victory day kiss with the nurse at Times Square
they all claim to be the sailor who kissed the nurse

abhimanyu said...

sailors who claimed to have been the one to kiss the nurse in the famous times square pic - V-J Day in Times Square

Siddarth Pai said...

& oh, the nurses are there as well
Didn't notice that

But either way, answer remains the same

Archimonde said...

They claimed to be the kissers in the famous photo V-J Day in Times Square

Unknown said...

VJ Day in Times Square
- Alfred Eisenstaedt

appuchin said...

vj day in times square
these people claimed to be the ones in the picture

R said...

Is it the Victory over Japan day kiss in Times square?

Unknown said...

V-J day at Times Square

Nanda said...

V-J day at Times Square

manish hn said...

V-J day in 1945 in america (victory over japan)
a navy sailor came and grabbed a nurse in white uniform and kissed her....that photo became damn famous........all the buggers named in the question claim to be that horny sailor

Yogarshi said...

The picture of the sailor kissing a nurse after WW 2 ended ! The males and the females claimed that they were the sailor and the nurse respectively

Pi.R.Square said...

People who said they were part of the VJ day kiss in Times Square

Saswat said...

The event was VJ Day in Times Square photograph & these people claim to be in the photograph