Sunday, July 17, 2011

Question 714: Zap! Finito.

Connect the three images.


alex said...

jfk assasination

R said...

Zapruder film, filmed by Abraham Zapruder(3) who filmed the assasination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald(2) with the camera shown in (1)

srikrishnan Narayanan said...

abraham zapruder ...f.kennedy 's assasination !!

Anirban said...

Thats a Bell & Howell Camera used by Abraham Zapruder on November 22, 1963, and shot the President's assassination (Zapruder Film).

VK said...

The Zapruder video of JFK's assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald (middle pic)

Pi.R.Square said...

zapruder film