Yeah. Okay. Back to the point.. X was a prominent personality. A strategist and a leader.
He even received a peace prize for his efforts in the early 20th century. A pic of one of his speeches is visible in (2)
More importantly, a very famous organization was established on X's guidelines! It's logo, visible in (1)
I want you to identify X :)
Hm. Okay I'm not too sure but is it Theodore Roosevelt, also former President of the USA? He was a Free Mason. It's too early to hazard a guess but so far both the questions relate to former American Presidents both who were free masons and um. They both are on Mount Rushmore. Oh and Theodore Roosevelt won the peace prize for abetting some war in the early 20th century.
Deepthi. :)
Woodrow Wilson
The connection is The League of Nations. The 1st picture is its emblem, and the second is a picture of The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 where it was formed?
woodrow wilson,league of nations
woodrow wilson and League of Nations
-- prasanna
woodrow wilson
Woodrow WIlson's the answer!
The logo you see is that of the League of Nations!
It was his 14 points that established it :)
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