Sunday, October 24, 2010

Question 374.a: Epic-lepsy






1) This recipe

romaine lettuce
olive oil
fresh crushed garlic - often in olive oil
salt to taste
fresh-ground black pepper
wine vinegar[13]
lemon juice or lime juice - fresh squeezed
Worcestershire sauce
raw or coddled egg yolks
freshly grated Parmesan cheese
freshly prepared croutons

2) These formulae

3) This poster


4) The name of this post, and what coud have been an alternate


AttitudeMonger said...

A,B,C- Caesar Cipher.
D- Still from the 2009 movie Hangover.
Connection- Julius Caesar. The recipe is Caesar Salad (although it wasn't invented by him), the movie connects itself with the fact that in the film some of the characters stay in Caesar's Palace.The connection to the title I can't fathom:-(!

varun said...


CAESAR salad recipe
CAESAR's cipher
CAESARS palace in the hangover
JULIUS CAESAR suffered from epilepsy

Nanda said...

Is the connect Julius Caesar? Going for it after seeing the Caesar text and Caesar Salad. Not sure about others.

churott said...

the connect is Caesar
the recipe is Caesar's salad, formulae are caesar's cipher and they stayed at caesar's in hangover, and caesar had epilepsy

Ameya said...


Siddarth Pai said...


Cracked by almost all

Siddarth Pai said...


Cracked by almost all

Ameya said...

Im sorry i dint expalain .... too long