Monday, February 7, 2011

Question 513: I have here a Pair, yes.

I'm trying to be as vague as possible.

Here is a cartoon,
showing some political leader. One of these two depicted in the cartoon, __X__, has something common with another statesman,__Y__, who openly criticized the U.S Government, and then later covered up for it by saying that the criticism was from a friend and admirer.

__Y___ had been prominent for nearly a decade. A staunch humanitarian.
During his time, _Y__ received a report against Ruud Lubbers, accusing him of sexual harassment, brought by the woman who felt threatened by the top official.
__Y___ did nothing about it, claiming that there wasn't enough legal evidence to prosecute Lubbers.
Lubbers was later tried and found guilty.
This decreased _Y's influence.

Between X and Y, there is something common.
In fact, the only two to have ever achieved this feat in the history of their office.
Id X and Y.
One of these two is X :)
Id X and Y.

What's common to X and Y?
What connects?

And how's the title?? B)

Id X and the other guy with him in the pic.

Javier Perez de Cuellar, secretary general, United Nations,1982-1992
Boutros-Boutros Ghali next to him in the pic, who was the next Sec Gen.
Y-Kofi Annan


Archimonde said...

Y: Kofi Annan
X: The guy on the left in the picture whose name is Javier Perez de Cuellar

Their achievement is that these are the only two people who have been
re-elected as the UN Secretary General...

Siddarth Pai said...

X- Daag hammarskojld
Y- Kofi Anan, can hardly be considered a politician man. he's a statesman.
Only 2 Secretary generals to win the Nobel Peace Prize, although Daag won it posthumously

Siddarth Pai said...

U Thant & Kurt Waldheim served 2 terms as well man, got elected to them in fact
Daag to was elected to a 2nd term, but died

Siddarth Pai said...

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar

Y- Kofi Anan
Screwed up question man
Atleast i got Kofi

Ameya said...

Boutros Boutros-Ghali
kofi anna

appuchin said...

kofi annan and ban ki moon

manish hn said...

X=Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Y=kofi annan
not sure of the connect.......they are both from africa(annan ghana ghali egypt) ???
most prob they were both criticized for not doing much during the rwanda genocide crisis......