Thursday, March 17, 2011

Question 564 e: If it's not up your alley, then it must be down your Avenue


Put funda.

PS: I don't believe this title is very useful. Oh well.



Avon beauty products


The beauty products are all manufatured by Avon Products which takes its name from Stratford-upon-Avon. David H. McConnell, the founder of the company renamed it to Avon from the California Perfume Company(original name) because he liked Stratford-upon-Avon that much.


Siddarth Pai said...

the title would lead you to saks fifth avenue or madison avenue
but the map gives you some hint atleast.
Thats misleading girl, but hey, those aren't stores, & saks isn't known for beauty products, so touche
beauty products?

the connect is avon
thats a map of strafford upo avon, where shakespeare was born supposedly
& those are avon's products.

Saswat said...

The connect is Avon.
1st pic is of StratforduponAvon & the 2nd pic is of Avon cosmetics

Pi.R.Square said...

misleading title i should say.
Avon is the connect, avon products.
& Strattford upon avon, the home of Shakespeare & the origin of the name

manish hn said...

x is an old map of stratford upon avon and y is avon cosmetic products thingy...logo
connect is that the company was named after the town.

manish hn said...

theme connect for 564:
they are all fortune 500 companies herring is parody of breakfast at tiffanys....unless of course the focus was on tiffanys...

Archimonde said...

Buzz Lightyear