Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Question 766: A 'Crooshing' defeat

A recently declassified document of the US Navy.
What does it show?


VK said...

Position of US and Soviet ships during the Cuban Missile Crisis

indian said...

cuban missile crisis.

R said...

A recently declassified map used by the US Navy's Atlantic Fleet showing the position of American and Soviet ships at the height of the crisis.

gopmadan said...

pearl harbour attack

gopmadan said...

american and soviet ship's position during the cuban missile crisis

Pi.R.Square said...

pearl harbor

Pi.R.Square said...

Cuban missile crisis

abhimanyu said...

cuban missl crises

Anonymous said...

Cuban Missile crisis

Aravind V said...

American and Russian ships/subs near Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.