Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Question 481: Hand Made to perfection

The painting shows a large room in the Madrid palace of King Philip IV of Spain, and presents several figures, most identifiable from the Spanish court, captured, according to some commentators, in a particular moment as if in a snapshot. Some look out of the canvas towards the viewer, while others interact among themselves. The young _____ is surrounded by her entourage of __X___, chaperone, bodyguard, two dwarfs and a dog. Just behind them, Velázquez portrays himself working at a large canvas. Velázquez looks outwards, beyond the pictorial space to where a viewer of the painting would stand.In the background there is a mirror that reflects the upper bodies of the king and queen. They appear to be placed outside the picture space in a position similar to that of the viewer, although some scholars have speculated that their image is a reflection from the painting Velázquez is shown working on.

A parody of the painting (yes, it was inevitable), is given here.
So id the painting (aka X)


X: Hand Maidens
____ : Infanta Magarita

THe painting is Las Meninas, or "The Hand Maidens" or "Maids of Honour"


"Your Secret Admirer", leave a name or a phone number
And thanks.


Unknown said...

Las Meninas?

Anonymous said...

Infanta Maria Teresa.
Damn simple!
I think the parody, as well as the mention of the King Philip iv was un-called for.
-Your secret admirer. Awesome blog.

R said...

the text didnt help much but the img was a dead giveaway. Velasquez's Las Meninas aka Maids of Honour

Archimonde said...

Las Meninas (Maids of Honour) by Diego Velazquez

Unknown said...

the fall of man(dog)